Guide for Teens to Use Youtube Safely and Tips to Start a Youtube Channel

Guide for Teens to Use Youtube Safely and Tips to Start a Youtube Channel

An increasing number of teens are not just viewing videos on YouTube but are starting their own YouTube channels. If you’re one of the many teens who are thinking about getting a new channel up and running, then it’s important to carefully consider how you’ll go about doing so – as well as ways to keep safe online.

By creating a well-thought-out plan and being mindful of the dangers of the platform, you can have fun getting your own YouTube channel set up and pulling in views.

Think About the Plan

Start by making a plan. This is a chance to get really clear on what you want your channel to offer, who the intended audience is, the type of content that will be posted, and how regularly new content will be uploaded. Now is also a good time to think about whether you’ll be open to advertising offers if the channel becomes popular.

When making a content plan, always keep at the front of your mind the basics of good digital citizenship. This includes respecting the privacy of others (and your own), avoiding posting anything that could hurt the feelings of others or cause drama, never posting your location, and remembering that anything online can be cut, pasted, altered, and used in a way you never originally intended.

Get the Tools You Need in Place

You probably won’t need much to get your new YouTube channel up and running, but video editing software is a must. This type of software can help you create high-quality, polished content with lots of interactive or other elements – meaning it’ll stand out from the crowd. Look for an option that offers widely customizable filters and visual effects, templates, and animation and audio tools.

Ultimately, video editing software will help you create engaging content that has the wow factor – which should result in lots more views and likes.

Have a Beta Launch

While it’s tempting to get your new YouTube channel live as soon as possible, undertaking a beta launch is a great idea and will ensure that any bugs or issues are ironed out before your channel is unveiled on a wider stage.

To do this, initially set very strict privacy settings in order to have a limited audience of friends and family members. Ask these trusted people for constructive criticism and advice and to let you know both what is and what isn’t working well.

Dealing with Feedback

Unfortunately, it’s inevitable that not all the feedback your YouTube channel receives will be positive, and dealing with this can be tough. It’s important to distinguish between helpful feedback that can be viewed and used as a learning experience and trolling or unpleasant comments that have simply been posted out of mean-spiritedness.

If the feedback offers advice that could help improve your channel, it’s worth carefully considering, even if it’s hard to hear. Think about making the changes suggested, or even try them out for a limited period of time, and assess the results. And remember: you can always block users who are unnecessarily rude or post generally unpleasant comments.

Consider Giving Your YouTube Channel the ‘For Kids’ Designation

You may want to apply the ‘For Kids’ designation to your new YouTube channel so that it’ll only be seen by a younger audience rather than the general YouTube viewership. A benefit of this designation is that comments are automatically disabled on accounts identified as being for children.

Staying Safe on YouTube

It’s vital that you take the steps needed to stay safe on the platform. Here are some tips to ensure that running your own YouTube channel is as safe an experience as possible:

  • Only film appropriate – this means nothing violent, sexually suggestive, or dangerous.
  • Use the platform’s privacy features to limit who can see the content you post. Check out YouTube’s Privacy and Safety Center for more information on how to do this.
  • Be mindful of getting into dangerous or uncomfortable situations – never send or accept personal messages from strangers, and speak to your parents or another trusted adult if anything happens that makes you feel upset or uncomfortable.
  • Remember the Grandma Rule before uploading content. Is the video something you’d be happy for your family members to see or even a future employer? If not, it’s time to reconsider that particular content.

Get Set to Start Your New YouTube Channel

Teens make up an important and vibrant part of the YouTube community, and setting up a new channel can be an exciting way to get creative and showcase your interests or passion. Use the guide above to help you get started and also to navigate the platform safely to enjoy the content-creation experience to the full.

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