How to Help Kids Develop Healthy Coping Mechanisms

A woman talking to her child.

Youngsters and adults are similar in that they are capable of feeling a wide range of emotions. They frequently experience fear, sadness, anxiety, or rage. Kids lack self-control. However, adults are able to manage and comprehend those emotions. They have no idea how to deal with pressure or overcome obstacles.

Therefore, it’s critical to stop children from acquiring harmful behaviors and to help kids develop healthy coping mechanisms. In order to lay the groundwork for a robust and well-adjusted adult, these coping techniques are crucial. So, to assist kids in creating healthy coping mechanisms, we are going to give parents some advice and techniques.

What Are Coping Mechanisms?

We’ve all experienced uncomfortable feelings at some point, so learn coping mechanisms as a way to manage stress and get through unpleasant circumstances. Coping strategies can be divided into two categories: good and harmful. Healthy coping strategies include solving problems, getting support, and exercising to help people properly manage their stress without hurting themselves or others.

However, using drugs, becoming aggressive, or avoiding situations are unhealthy coping strategies that might have unfavorable effects. Thus, it is essential to start teaching children good coping strategies at a young age. They must have the resources necessary to successfully navigate the obstacles of life. Children who receive early assistance in developing these abilities will grow resilient and emotionally intelligent, which are essential for their overall well-being.

Young boy screaming.

It is essential to help kids develop healthy coping mechanisms.

Identifying Stressors in Kids

The first step in assisting children in creating appropriate coping strategies is identifying the sources of stress. A few typical stressors for kids are changes in their surroundings, such as moving to a new house or going through a family breakup, social expectations, academic pressures, and familial relationships. Peer pressure and overscheduling are some factors that might make kids feel anxious.

To spot stressors in their children’s conduct, parents should be watchful and aware of their actions. They must be mindful of the warning symptoms of stress in children, which can take many different forms. They need to be alert to mood swings, sleep issues, cessation of previously enjoyed activities, inexplicable medical complaints such as headaches or stomachaches, and heightened irritation or violence.

Younger children, on the other hand, use tantrums, clinginess, or behavioral regression as ways to communicate their stress. Teens and older children who experience stress may withdraw from others, do worse in school, or act dangerously. As a result, parents need to provide a secure and encouraging atmosphere where kids can openly communicate their emotions and worries.

Open Communication Is Key

Open communication is one of the finest methods to support your child and is essential in assisting them in the development of healthy coping skills. Children will be more willing to talk about their problems if you actively listen to them and validate their feelings. Children are more likely to express their emotions and ask for help when they need it if they feel heard and understood.

Personable Parents

Parents need to be personable and nonjudgmental to promote an atmosphere where children feel comfortable expressing their feelings. Speak children’s love language, which can be expressed through acts of service, physical touch, affirming remarks, or quality time. This is one powerful strategy. In this way, parents can encourage emotional bonding and help kids feel that their thoughts and feelings are acknowledged and understood.

Supportive Parents

Children will be better able to express their ideas and sentiments when you ask open-ended inquiries about their daily experiences and feelings. Parents must support their children’s feelings and listen intently without interrupting them. Active listening is also very important. Parents should also talk about their emotions and help kids develop healthy coping mechanisms for stress. Therefore, children will know that open communication about emotions is normal and will also have role models for managing stress.

A woman and girl lying on the bed and talking.

Active listening is crucial, and parents must listen attentively without interrupting.

Physical Activity Beats Stress

Physical activity is essential for assisting children in developing healthy coping strategies and stress management skills. Frequent exercise improves mental health and mood. Kids can decompress and feel less anxious by engaging in activities like biking, dancing, sports, or even just going for walks. Physical health amplifies happiness, and thus, it is easier for kids to cope with everyday challenges. As a result, parents should support their children in discovering their passions and making physical activity enjoyable and a regular part of their day.

Teaching Relaxation Techniques

The US has been great at developing unique approaches to promoting relaxation and wellness. Notably, Arkansas has been pioneering in the field of relaxation techniques with initiatives such as the Student Wellness Advocacy Group (SWAG). This program aims to educate students about health and wellness, providing them with tools to discuss and improve their health.

Teaching kids relaxation techniques is crucial to helping them cope with stress. These include easy techniques that can help kids relax, like deep breathing, mindfulness, and meditation.

Given the state’s proactive stance on integrating wellness into educational frameworks, there’s been a surge of different programs to rely on. Parents looking for appropriate meditation and relaxation techniques can turn to renowned facilities that treat anxiety disorders and other conditions.  These treatment centers offer both mainstream and alternative treatment options, providing various techniques to help kids cope, such as yoga, mindfulness, art therapy, and music therapy—whatever works best for your family. Such initiatives are proving vital as a model for promoting children’s emotional health nationwide. Regular practice of these strategies can aid children in developing effective stress-reduction and emotional balancing tools.

Encourage Creative Outlets

Encouraging creative outlets in kids is one of the best methods to help them express their feelings and cope with stress. Kids can manage their emotions through productive outlet activities such as painting, drawing, writing, or playing an instrument. In addition to offering a mental retreat, engaging in creative pursuits enhances one’s self-worth and problem-solving abilities. Parents are responsible for giving their children the chance to experiment with various creative mediums. In addition to fostering creativity, this will keep kids safe, providing a constructive outlet for their feelings and a decompression method.

Parents who know how to help kids develop healthy coping mechanisms.

Parents are vital in providing emotional support, but kids must also have support from friends and family.

Having a Support System

Although parents play a crucial role in offering emotional support, kids also need to have a network of friends and family who can help them. Parents should encourage their children to retain close ties with friends, neighbors, and relatives to help them develop healthy coping skills. They can all serve as extra resources of consolation and guidance for children. Engaging children in sports teams or community events can help them feel supported and like they belong.

The Takeaway

For children to be emotionally and mentally healthy, it is crucial to help kids develop healthy coping mechanisms. In addition to understanding pressures, parents should nurture open communication, physical activity, creative outlets, and a solid support network. These coping strategies will provide children with the tools they need to deal with the difficulties of life. They will also assist children in developing resilience, emotional intelligence, and stress management.

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How to Prepare Your Kids for Kindergarten | Resources and Technology

Preparing Kids for Kindergarten With Technology

Kindergarten is a big step for kids and parents alike. It’s likely the first time your child will be away from you in a school setting for most of the day. It’s also the beginning of their intellectual journey.

Most states require kids to enter kindergarten by age 5 or 6, with a few exceptions. Though it might be your child’s first school experience, there are ways you can prepare them for it at an earlier age by plugging into valuable resources.

Preparing Your Kids for Kindergarten

It’s understandable not to want to have a phone, tablet, or laptop in front of your young child’s face 24/7. But, technology isn’t all bad or damaging. When used the right way, it can make the transition to kindergarten easier for your little one. It might even make it easier on you when you know they’re more prepared and ready to tackle whatever is thrown at them throughout the year.

Technology to empower your child as a new student and make sure they are mentally, socially, and emotionally ready for this big step. It can also assist parents to find the resources they need to ensure their kids are prepared in every way.

Make Sure They’re Socially Ready

By the time your child is ready for kindergarten, they should already have certain social skills. Social and emotional development is extremely important for them to be successful in school – academically and for developing friendships. Some of the most crucial social skills for children that age include:

  • Understanding right and wrong
  • Using words to express needs and feelings
  • Sharing
  • Playing alone or with others without constant supervision
  • Making safe, independent decisions

If you’re worried that your child isn’t meeting these milestones and that they may not be ready, consider using technology to connect with a social worker.

Social workers can counsel children who might need assistance in their education and development. They can also work with you, as a parent, to offer technological tools for your child’s social development.

While your child might be too young for things like social media and texting, you can use appropriate online games to help them with their social skills. Or, download some emotional intelligence apps for them, like Daniel Tiger’s Grr-iffic Feelings or Sesame Street’s Breathe, Think, Do. If you want your child to connect with other kids their age, connect with the parents of the children who will be in their class, and set up video chats so the kids can meet and talk beforehand. It’s a great way to nurture friendships and improve communication skills before school starts.

Meeting Their Physical Needs

Most schools across the country require your child’s vaccination records. Some of the common illnesses kids need to be protected against before heading to school include:

  • Rubella
  • Mumps
  • Measles
  • Hepatitis A

Eventually, younger children might even be required or encouraged to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Over the last year and a half, you may not have been able to see your child’s pediatrician in person. Thankfully, telehealth has provided an opportunity to connect with doctors via video chat, over the phone, or through custom online portals.

Connecting with your child’s pediatrician online will let you know if they’re up-to-date on their immunizations, and whether they should come in for a check-up before starting kindergarten. It’s a great way to keep everyone safe and socially distanced while ensuring that your child has what they need to protect themselves as they start school.

Getting Them Kindergarten-Ready

There’s so much to think about and prepare for when it comes to kindergarten readiness. Some of the basic skills your child should have include:

  • Counting
  • Showing an interest in reading
  • Going to the bathroom by themselves
  • Recognizing their name in print
  • Being able to hop on one foot

If your child hasn’t mastered all of the necessary skills for kindergarten, don’t panic. Instead, consider using online activities to teach them new skills and give them confidence in the things they already know. There are plenty of kid-friendly games and resources that can spark their interest in areas that they might otherwise struggle with. You can even get some new ideas online for activities you can do with your child to boost their skills and better prepare them for school.

Of course, that doesn’t mean every second should be spent online. Making sure your child stays active and spends time with books, interacts with other kids, and uses their imagination is just as important. But, those are things that are more likely to come naturally.

Preparing Them for Technology

Even before your little one sets foot inside a school, technology can be used to prepare them in a variety of ways. From keeping them safe to boosting their cognitive abilities, consider using some of these technological advances to prepare your child for kindergarten. It’s one of the best ways to ensure they get the most out of their first school experience.

Beyond academic and social readiness, interactive story apps and guided meditation apps can help young children manage anxiety and develop mindfulness, making the transition smoother for them emotionally. Additionally, leveraging educational platforms that offer a mix of screen and off-screen activities can provide a balanced approach to learning.

Apps that integrate physical movement with learning, such as dance-based learning games, can help maintain physical activity while still engaging with educational content. This not only helps with kindergarten readiness but also promotes a healthy lifestyle.

For parents, technology can help you stay connected with your child’s future educators and classmates. Virtual meet-the-teacher sessions or classroom tours can familiarize your child with their new environment, reducing first-day jitters. Engaging with educational communities online can provide you with additional resources and support from other parents who are navigating the same journey.

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Nine Tips for Navigating Higher Studies as a Single Mom

Nine Tips for Navigating Higher Studies as a Single Mom

Have you decided to further your education? It’s a bold and transformative step, especially for single moms balancing the demands of family, work, and personal growth. Pursuing higher education can open doors to new career opportunities, increased earning potential, and personal fulfillment.

However, this journey comes with its unique set of challenges. As a single mom, you may find it particularly daunting to juggle your responsibilities while striving for academic success. Yet, with the right tips and strategies, you can navigate this path smoothly and effectively.

Here are nine tips to help single moms successfully manage their higher education journey.

Tip 1: Create a Support Network

Navigating higher education as a single mom is much easier when you have a strong support network. This network can include family, friends, and fellow students who can provide emotional support, practical help, and encouragement. Don’t hesitate to reach out to those close to you for assistance with childcare, transportation, or simply a listening ear when things get tough. Furthermore, many colleges and universities offer resources specifically for single parents, such as counseling services, support groups, and childcare facilities. Leveraging these resources can make a major difference in managing your responsibilities and maintaining your well-being.

Tip 2: Consider Online Programs

One of the best options for single moms looking to further their education is enrolling in online programs. These programs offer flexibility, allowing you to study from home and manage your schedule around your responsibilities. Online programs are available in a diverse range of fields, including business, healthcare, education, and social work. For example, an online MSW program (Master of Social Work) can be a great choice if you’re interested in advancing your career in social services. These programs provide the same quality of education as traditional on-campus programs but with the added benefit of convenience. You can attend classes, complete assignments, and engage with professors and peers from the comfort of your home.

Tip 3: Develop a Strict Schedule

A well-structured schedule is crucial for balancing your studies, work, and family life. Consistency in your daily and weekly routines helps ensure that you allocate sufficient time for each of your responsibilities. Start by creating a detailed planner that includes all your commitments, including study time, work hours, and family activities. By adhering to a strict schedule, you can avoid last-minute stress and ensure that you meet all your deadlines, both academic and personal.

Tip 4: Utilize Financial Aid and Scholarships

Higher education can be expensive, particularly for single moms who are mostly the sole providers for their children, but many financial aid options are available. Scholarships, grants, and loans can reduce the financial burden, making it more feasible to pursue your educational goals. Begin by researching scholarships for single parents, women returning to education, or those specific to your field of study. Filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) can also open up opportunities for federal grants and loans.

Tip 5: Prioritize Self-Care

Amidst the hustle and bustle of balancing studies and family responsibilities, do not forget to take care of yourself. Taking care of your physical and mental health is crucial to avoid burnout and maintain your overall well-being. Simple self-care practices, such as regular exercise, healthy eating, and ensuring you get enough rest, are integral for you to keep going. Taking mental health breaks, practicing mindfulness, or engaging in hobbies can help you recharge and stay focused. Remember, you cannot pour from an empty cup, so taking care of yourself enables you to better care for your family and excel in your studies.

Tip 6: Communicate with Professors and Advisors

Building strong relationships with your professors and academic advisors is crucial for navigating higher education as a single mom. Professors and advisors can offer invaluable support and flexibility when you need it. Be proactive in communicating your unique situation to them. Explain your circumstances and the challenges you face as a single parent. Most educators are understanding and willing to accommodate students who show commitment and responsibility. Take advantage of office hours to discuss your academic progress, seek clarification on assignments, and request extensions if necessary. Academic advisors can also provide guidance on course selection, scheduling, and career planning, helping you stay on track to achieve your educational goals.

Tip 7: Leverage Technology

Technology can be a powerful ally in your educational journey. There are numerous digital tools and resources available to help you stay organized and efficient. Productivity apps, such as Trello, Asana, and Todoist, can help you manage tasks and deadlines effectively. Note-taking apps like Evernote and OneNote allow you to organize your study materials and access them from any device. You can also utilize online libraries and research databases. These provide easy access to academic resources, making it convenient to conduct research and complete assignments.

Single mother on Laptop at kitchen table while child does homework beside her.

Tip 8: Stay Motivated and Positive

Maintaining motivation and a positive outlook is crucial for overcoming the challenges of being a single mom while pursuing higher education. Set realistic goals that are achievable to keep yourself motivated. Instead of completing one large task within a short period, break it down into smaller, manageable steps and celebrate your progress along the way. Surround yourself with positive influences, whether they are supportive friends, family members, or fellow students who understand your journey. Engage in activities that inspire and uplift you, such as reading motivational books, listening to podcasts, or attending workshops and seminars. Remember, every step you take brings you closer to your educational and career aspirations.

Tip 9: Be Flexible and Adaptable

Flexibility and adaptability are key traits for successfully balancing higher education and single parenting. Life is unpredictable, and unexpected challenges are bound to arise. Being open to adjusting your plans and finding alternative solutions can help you navigate these obstacles. For instance, if you encounter a scheduling conflict, consider rearranging your study hours or seeking help from your support network. Stay resilient and maintain a positive attitude, even when faced with setbacks. Embracing change and being willing to adapt will help you stay on course and achieve your goals despite the inevitable challenges.


Navigating higher education as a single mom is undoubtedly challenging, but it is also incredibly rewarding. These strategies will help you create a smoother and more manageable journey, allowing you to provide a better future for yourself and your family. Remember, the effort and dedication you invest in your education today will pay off in the long run. Stay determined, stay focused, and embrace the journey with confidence. Your hard work and perseverance will lead you to success.

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11 Positive Effects of Divorce on Children and How to Enhance Them

Positive Effects of Divorce on Children & How to Enhance Them

Divorce can drive a wedge between any family and no child wants their parents to separate. Children may become distraught with the idea of their parents getting divorced.  The effects of a divorce can cause strife throughout divorce proceedings.

Many couples feel the emotional strain of getting divorced, especially once they consider the effects that divorce has on their children. Each child handles divorce differently. Some children may require more intervention to benefit from the positive aspects of divorce. With the right interventions, your child can avoid the traumas associated with divorce.

Initially, it can be challenging to envision how divorce could have positive effects on your child but divorce can encourage children to become more resilient, develop healthy stress management skills, and create new bonds with their parents.

When parents are considering permanent marital separation, it can be imperative to consult with a divorce attorney. Working with a professional could help you do what’s best for your child and handle your divorce amicably. Proper guidance can ensure you consider all of the effects divorce may have on your family.

Here are the positive effects divorce can have on children.

Removal From a Toxic Environment

One of the most important ways divorces can benefit children is that it removes them from potentially abusive and toxic environments. If a marriage becomes abusive or violent, divorce can be a saving grace. Children can escape the harmful atmosphere and avoid the damaging effects on their mental and emotional health.

Children raised in abusive environments face a risk of developing mental health issues, behavioral issues, and even being abusive in the future. If correctly handled, divorce can ensure that children have a safe and stable environment to heal and recover from the traumatic nature of their parents’ toxic relationship.

Healthy Communication and Coping

A successful divorce requires some collaboration on behalf of both partners when children are involved. This collaboration offers both spouses an opportunity to show conflict resolution skills.  If your child witnesses you practice healthy communication with your soon-to-be ex-spouse, this can instill in them the importance of having calm interactions with others, even when you disagree.

Generally, you’ll have to continue co-parenting with your ex, so it benefits everyone involved when parents can remain civil, model positive communication, and establish healthy co-parenting routines with their former spouse.

Speaking ill about a former spouse can cloud the child’s opinion of their parent and harm their relationship. Trashing your ex in front of your child may ruin all of the positive effects that divorce can have on your children.

Decreasing Tension

Spousal disputes can charge your family’s environment with animosity. Marital hostility can be distressing for your children. When parents decide divorce is best, those tensions may decrease. Since children are perceptive, reducing tensions can foster a turmoil-free,  emotionally stable environment.

Children can sense when something is off, so it’s important to dissolve the tension to allow children to flourish. When parents split, this can release the tension and allow their children to have improved relationships with each parent.

Improvement in Family and Child Relations

It’s not abnormal for one parent to be more involved with their child in a marriage. This could mean that one parent is there to assist with all of the day-to-day needs of the child while the other works or focuses on other things that provide for the family. However, after a divorce, both parents tend to become more involved in their child’s life.

Co-parenting typically encourages parents to share parental duties with their children and become more involved in their lives. Children whose parents are invested in their safety and interests tend to feel happier and become more confident in themselves.

Divorces can also encourage deeper relationships among siblings. Since siblings typically share the divorce experience, they can express their feelings and offer the necessary support. Older siblings can typically help younger children understand what’s going on and what they’re feeling.

One-On-One Time With Each Parent

When divorces occur, children often benefit from having more one-on-one time with each of their parents. As children develop, the individual attention of each parent allows them to learn crucial life skills from each of their parents. Children can also benefit from the additional time spent and effort required by each parent.

Understand Healthy Relationships and Boundaries

When divorced parents show their children that they need enjoyable and validating relationships, they demonstrate that settling for unhealthy or unhappy relationships is counterproductive. When divorced parents find new relationships, their children witness their happiness and notice the positive effects of being in a harmonious relationship. Children of divorced parents flourish by watching their parents have positive interactions with others.

Important Life Lessons

A divorce can provide essential life lessons for children. Not all friendships, relationships, and marriages stand the test of time. Children witness how staying in a failing relationship has negative repercussions. When children learn important crisis management and conflict resolution skills, they learn to choose respect, even if they disagree with someone.

Since children monitor everything their parents do and often hold them in high esteem, the behaviors that you model for them will affect their personality for the rest of their lives. Use divorce as a teaching tool to show that even relationships that don’t work out can still have a positive effect on everyone involved.

Organization and Time Management

Most children won’t enjoy having to go back and forth between different households. However, when children have to travel between two homes, they learn how to take care of their things, which items are essential, and how to keep track of their possessions. This can be a great teaching tool for young adulthood.


Mental fortitude, like any skill, can be developed with practice. When children have to adjust to big changes, like divorce, those children learn that sadness won’t change their situation. They also learn to adapt their mindset and practice fortitude in tough times.

As a parent, you can facilitate your child’s resilience by helping them adjust to a new version of normal. Harvard University found that children develop resilience when they have at least one stable and committed relationship with a supportive parent.  That means being there for your child, especially after a divorce, is the single most important factor in how resilient your children become.

Resilience is imperative to working in teams, completing difficult projects, playing sports, and succeeding in business and educational pursuits. When parents demonstrate that they can move on after a divorce, it inspires their children to do the same.

Happy Parents Equal Happy Children

Children are often a direct reflection of their parents. If a marriage is causing either or both parents to be frustrated, upset, depressed, or abused, then children will most likely suffer as well. Learned behavior contributes to choices throughout your child’s life.

That’s why it’s imperative that parents take care of their relationship and health needs. This demonstrates to their children that they can do the same. Expert direction can help you and your children gain stable footing and understanding during divorce proceedings.

Improved Parent-Child Dynamics

When parents use divorce as an opportunity to improve their lives, their children directly benefit. Shared custody and time allow your children to experience you at your best. Divorce can bring out the worst in couples, so children need to witness their parents on their best behavior.

When parents are not present to model positive relationships and communication for their children, their children fall into the same destructive ruts. However, if a parent is present, they can provide care and nurturing for their children.

Many children benefit from all the attention they receive after a divorce. These children get to have each parent focusing solely on their needs rather than the dissonance created in a failing marriage.  When children get to know their parents as individuals, they get an opportunity to understand them on a deeper level. Spending time with your kids before, during, and after a divorce will help them develop resilience and improve your life-long relationship with them.

Positive Effects of Divorce

Divorce is challenging for everyone. The emotionally charged events can be used to positively affect children by making the right choices. Removing someone from an abusive environment decreases tension, develops strength in adversity, increases empathy, and helps children become more independent.

If you’re facing a complex divorce, a divorce attorney can help you understand your rights, and advocate on your behalf. When parents take good care of themselves, they can gain a better understanding of their children. This can help them be their best selves in their next relationship while helping their children understand the importance of boundaries and self-respect.

Enhancing the positive effects that divorce may have on children should not be a means to ignore the trauma that is caused by this dramatic change in your life and that of your children. Parents should not be afraid to discuss therapy options if necessary.

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