Category: Parenting

Are Your Kids Mandated To Have Health Insurance?

Are Your Kids Mandated To Have Health Insurance?

Among the many expenses we expect to pay every month, health insurance is one of the most significant. This is especially true when you are supporting a family. Your entire family could require medical care at some point, and unless you have a huge amount of savings, it will be prohibitively expensive.

But what if you have healthy kids who live fairly secure lives. Maybe you have some savings or investments you could dip into if something happened. Do you still need to get your kids health insurance? Is it mandated by law?

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of when health insurance is mandated, here are some other types of insurance you should consider when you have a family.

What additional types of insurance should you have?

Supporting a family is expensive. This may make you feel tempted to skimp on insurance as much as possible. However, if you don’t have it when you need it, you could be in serious trouble.

One type of insurance you may not want to get is life insurance. Is life insurance worth it? If you are the primary breadwinner, the answer is certainly yet. Even if you are not earning income, the things you do on a day-to-day basis for your family would cost a lot of money to hire someone else to do. Life insurance gives your family the security they need at a time when they are particularly vulnerable.

Contents coverage in your homeowners insurance is also crucial. The things your family owns are more expensive than you think. Replacing a child’s entire wardrobe if it gets destroyed in a fire will cost you thousands of dollars.

If you have these kinds of insurance, do you really need health insurance for your kids on top of it? Could you not leave this one thing to your savings?

Do all Kids Have Access to Health Insurance?

Access of health insurance is usually not a question of availability, rather it is an issue of cost.  There is a continual effort to reduce the uninsured rate for those under 19 years old.  Government programs seek to reach lower income families, providing health insurance coverage for those below a certain income level.

Access for those on living on the threshold rate of eligibility for assisted coverage can also depend on the state that a child resides.  Direct purchase of coverage increases in states where eligibility for programs are limited.  Regardless of where you may live, you can seek a free Medicare insurance quote online to explore options for health insurance coverage.

Expansion states are those where governments are striving to expand eligibility for families who seek Medicaid and health insurance programs.  Changes in population, economic conditions, and federal and state policies will certainly affect one’s access to care.

Length of Coverage on a Parents Plan

There are many facets related to finances and planning related to coverage.  Consult a financial advisor to answer questions you may have about ensuring the wellbeing of your family.  In most states, kids that grows into adulthood can stay on their parent’s health insurance plan until they are 26 years old.  The Patient Protection and Affordable Care (ACA) mandates this.  Even if a child gets married, is enrolled in school or not, or have turned down insurance through a job, the child can stay on their parent’s plan.

Furthermore, children do not need to be living at home and it’s not required that they be a tax dependent.  Of course, anyone 18 years or older are free to seek out their own health insurance coverage.

Is health insurance for kids mandated by law?

What does the law say about whether kids need to have health insurance? It is pretty straightforward. The ACA mandates that parents need to have health insurance for their kids, or have their family on a family plan, and charges fines to parents who do not.

This may seem extreme, especially if you have the money to pay for visits to the doctor and occasional health conditions and injuries. However, the reality is that health care is far more expensive than you probably know. Even with a minor issue, the cost of care rises rapidly. Every single aspect is charged for, with a significant markup.

For kids who are diagnosed with a major life-threatening illness like leukemia, you may be on the hook for hundreds of thousands of dollars in a single year. While in most cases, treatment will ‘only’ cost about $50,000 in that first year, most people do not have that kind of money, and there is always a risk that costs will far exceed this.

Long story short, you are required by law to get health insurance for your kids, and it is something you should have regardless. In an ideal world, we would not have to pay huge amounts just to get our kids basic care, but the American healthcare system is not going to change any time soon. Even the regulations implemented through the ACA that help parents with health insurance costs may not always be around, with many lawmakers trying to repeal the act.

How do you apply for a plan?

You can apply for health insurance for your kids through the website. In certain states, you will have to go through the state’s website. Make sure you have your kids’ social security numbers, your employer’s information, and your own health insurance details at hand.

This is something you should not delay any longer. If you are struggling to make ends meet, the good news is that ACA subsidizes healthcare plans.

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Navigating Smart Technology in the Home

Smart Home Technology Families Kids

Smart technology is becoming the norm rather than the exception, with more and more gadgets helping make our homes more efficient. This technology can help make our lives more convenient, and our kids’ educational experience more enriched.

Smart tech can add an extra measure of safety in our homes, but parents also need to be aware of potential security risks. Here’s an overview of things to consider when adopting smart tech into your home.

Teaching smart online behavior is key.

As smart devices are becoming more integrating into your child’s life for entertainment, education and daily living, it’s important to teach them about safe online behavior. Older kids who are on social media should know why privacy settings are important. They should be selective about accepting friend requests and ensure location services are disabled. They also should understand the perennial nature of posting, and how nothing on social media is ever really gone.

Ensure your pre-teens and teens understand the nature of cyberbullying. This includes understanding that photos and situations that are funny to them now, might lose their humor down the line because they can hurt people’s feelings. These posts might come back to haunt them later when they want to join a club, get an after-school job or apply to college.

They also should understand that posting about an event or activity on social media can cause resentment by those who have been deliberately left out, helping them to think critically about what they wish to share publicly.

Smart sensors in the home make sense.

A smart home can incorporate many different types of smart sensors. Some are particularly useful for keeping kids safe, especially for curious toddlers who haven’t yet learned about boundaries. Sensors installed in doorways can create greater peace of mind for parents of small explorers. For example, they can send a signal to your phone when a child exits a threshold, or if an intruder enters one.

Sensors can connect to a video camera so you can check your phone to see what’s happening. Doorbell cameras are particularly useful for when your kids get older and start inviting the neighborhood over when you’re not home.

Among the various types of sensors a home may have, motion sensors can be set up around danger areas, such as swimming pools or driveways, to provide a notification to you when a child has entered the area unsupervised. Window sensors can not only help save energy but can create an extra measure of safety by notifying you when one is left open or opens unexpectedly, ensuring there are no unexpected escapes or entries.

While every home should be equipped with smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, smart versions of these devices can also monitor your home’s air quality, checking for pollen and other particles that can be troublesome for young lungs.

Smart light bulbs can improve school performance.

Smart tech in your home can include smart light bulbs, which can help your kids get better grades in school. How? For one, some smart bulbs can adjust their blue light emissions from day to evening, helping your kids be more energized in the mornings and move more easily toward sleep at night.

Blue light, which comes to us naturally through sunlight, can interfere with the sleep hormone melatonin when we get too much blue light artificially. Better sleep equals better performance at school and on tests.

It’s important to recognize that every person’s experience with sleep issues is different.  Managing the challenges can be both frustrating and isolating.  Studies have shown that different colors of light can promote sleep by examining the effects of light and habits that may improve sleep.  Determining which are the worst colors for sleep is also key in helping parents determine which colors are best for their kids.

Smart devices can protect infant safety.

Parents of newborns already know the important benefit of baby monitors in keeping an ear on activity in the other room. The frightening worry posed by SIDS, or sudden infant death syndrome, has led developers of baby monitors to evolve the product. Some connect to your smartphone or can be sent to a mobile speaker.

Other smart items like onesies, mattresses or socks can measure and monitor your baby’s vital information like heart rate, breathing, movement, pulse oximetry and body position. You will be able to hear sounding alarms or receive notifications to your phone when there’s a problem.

Internet-connected smart toys need vetting.

Smart toys with an Internet connection—which can include robot dogs, dinosaurs, cars and other items—should be carefully vetted before purchase or forgone altogether. Many of these toys have cameras and microphones and can gather data during play as well as share your child’s location.

While these toys can provide educational opportunities, the Federal Trade Commission urges parents to carefully collect information on the toy before purchasing. That includes researching what kind of information the toy will collect about your child, learning of there are security issues or safety recalls, and knowing whether there have been security complaints.

Know the features of the toy and when it will be listening in, and whether you have the option to control the information. Smart toys, just like any other smart item in your home, pose a risk of being hacked or their data used in ways you didn’t expect.

Pros and Cons of Smart Home Technology

The impact of smart home technology is evident throughout our world today. It’s is used in homes in varying degrees.   It helps save money and time for home security and safety, while intriducing new security challenges.

Some of the most common benefits that smart home technology are:

Customized Preferences & Settings

No matter which device you have, smart products can adjust to match any specific user’s customized preferences or needs.

Health & Wellness Tracking

Checking in on your health provides reassurance regarding safe and independent living. Adding smart technologies like a Wellcam facilitates real-time, two-way audio and video communication.

Energy & Utilities Management

Lighting, heating, and cooling can save on energy costs. Consider smart outlets to manage auto shut-off for electronic devices. Smart LED bulbs enable users to turn lights on and off at certain times for security and convenience.

Easy & Interconnectivity

Implementing smart home products is also convenient for monitoring many home-bound systems. Such interconnectivity enables users to manage and monitor thermostats remotely, review surveillance camera footage, and more, all without leaving their workplace—or even their kitchen table.

As much of a great benefit and commodity is to have these features at home, this can have crucial drawbacks such as:

High cost and skill requirements

The utility of smart devices comes at a steep price — compare a conventional and a smart fridge. A regular fridge costs between $1,000 and $2,000, while a smart model can have a price tag between $2,000 and $4,000.

Cybersecurity risks

Remember that these electronics collect large volumes of data and information, some of which are personal and sensitive. For example, your phone contains passwords, and your car’s global positioning system monitors your location.

To prevent hacking into your smart devices, ensure they’re equipped with anti-tampering and endpoint protection solutions. Implementing encryption protocols is recommended for protection, so hackers won’t be able to infiltrate a smart device or intercept its data.

The Bottom line

Smart home technology has evolved throughout the years; this has been a rapid and beneficial solution for everything surrounding us. From automating your kitchen and common areas to installing sprinkler systems and even viewing guests arriving at your front door has been quite convenient when having a smartphone.

Smart technology has great potential to improve safety and enhance kids’ lives when approached carefully and sensibly. Talking with your children and teaching them about the proper use of smart technology will help ensure the best experience for everyone.

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How You Can Tell If Your Child Needs Vision Therapy

How You Can Tell If Your Child Needs Vision Therapy

It’s natural for parents to want to ensure their children have the best possible start in life. However, vision therapy is one aspect of pediatric care that is often overlooked. Many parents don’t know how to tell if their child needs vision therapy, but some warning signs can help you.

Vision therapy is a treatment used to improve a person’s vision, which has been inhibited due to various problems or conditions. It augments essential visual skills and capabilities, which develops a person’s ability to see better, feel more comfortable, and handle information easier.

1. Difficulty in Reading

Knowing what to do cannot be easy if your child struggles with reading or schoolwork. After all, you want your child to succeed, but you may not be sure how to support them best. Luckily, you can do a few key things to help your child catch up. First, make sure they are getting plenty of practice reading at home. You can take turns reading aloud, visit the library together, or even read during breakfast or before bed. In addition, try to help them understand and organize their schoolwork. This may involve sitting down with them and going over assignments step-by-step, breaking down tasks into smaller chunks, or setting up a regular study schedule. Finally, talk to their teacher about what your child is struggling with and how you can best support them at home.

2. Do They Avoid Close Work

Many people experience eye fatigue after spending a long period looking at a screen. The American Optometric Association lists several symptoms of computer vision syndrome, or CVS, which include eyestrain, headaches, and blurry vision. According to the AOA, CVS is caused by how our eyes focus on close objects for extended periods. This can happen when working on the computer, reading a book, or even using our phones. To help relieve symptoms of CVS, the AOA recommends taking breaks every 20 minutes to look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. They also suggest using artificial tears to lubricate your eyes and adjusting the lighting and position of your screen.

3. The trouble with Hand-Eye Coordination Activities

If your child is having difficulty with hand-eye coordination activities, you can do a few things to help. One is to encourage them to keep practicing. It may be frustrating at first, but with enough persistence, they will eventually get the hang of it. Another option is to provide them with a visual guide. For example, you could draw a target on their shirt if they have trouble catching a ball. This will help them to focus their attention better and improve their aim. Finally, you may want to consider investing in some occupational therapy exercises. These can be specifically designed to help improve hand-eye coordination and other fine motor skills.

4. Difficulty in Switching Tasks

If your child is having trouble with task switching, it could be due to ADHD or another attention deficit. When children with ADHD are asked to switch tasks, they often have difficulty processing the new information and may become overwhelmed. As a result, they may start to shut down or tune out completely. One way to help your child with task switching is to provide them with a clear structure and routine. This could involve setting up a specific work area at home, establishing regular study times, and helping them make a list of tasks to complete. You can also talk to their teacher about ways to help them stay focused in class.

5. Excessive Redness or Swelling in the Eyes

If you notice that your child’s eyes are excessively red or swollen, it could be a sign of allergic conjunctivitis. Allergic conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, the thin membrane covering the white part of the eye. An allergy usually causes by something in the environment, such as pollen, dust, or animal dander. Symptoms include itchiness, redness, and watering eyes. If your child has allergic conjunctivitis, they may also have hay fever symptoms, such as a runny nose or sneezing. Treatment involves avoiding the allergens that trigger the condition and using over-the-counter antihistamines or artificial tears. You may need to consult an allergist or ophthalmologist if the symptoms are severe.

Amblyopia, or lazy eye, is a condition in which one eye has poor vision. It is usually caused by the brain favoring one eye during development. As a result, the unused eye becomes weaker, and the muscles around it may start to sag. Amblyopia can be treated with eyeglasses, contact lenses, patches, or surgery. If you think your child may have amblyopia, you should take them to an ophthalmologist for an evaluation.

If you think your child may benefit from vision therapy, don’t hesitate to reach out for a consultation. Vision therapy has helped many children improve their reading skills, handwriting, and academic performance. With the help of an experienced vision therapist, your child can overcome any difficulties they are experiencing in school and start enjoying learning again!

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How a Single Parent Can Boost their Child’s Academic Success

Single Parenting Guide to Their Child’s Academic Success

A decline in educational performance for children is not surprising their parents are going through a divorce. It’s a stress situation for all involved and single moms and dads often blame themselves for not coping with their new roles. As a result, single parents desperately search for solutions that support student achievement

This focus often shifts the focus away from the real source of the problem. Indeed, statistics show that there is some relationship between parental divorce and the ability of the child to do well in school. However, it is much more complex.

Research by UCLA sociology professor Jennie Brand found that parental divorce affects a child’s learning only when combined with other inputs. And one of the most important factors is the initial socio-economic status of the family.

The study used data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics program, analyzing about five thousand families. Based on these demographic and socioeconomic factors, they divided all parents into three groups. The first was parents who are likely to divorce, the second was parents who are unlikely to divorce, and the third group was parents with average risks.

In families from the second group, the study found that children were 6% less likely to graduate from school and 15% less likely to complete their college education if the parents did separate.

In contrast, in the group where the father and mother “should have divorced with a high degree of probability,” their separation did not adversely affect the children’s school and college performance. Professor Jennie Brand believes that the study should encourage parents to rethink the concept of preserving marriage for the sake of children in high-conflict families.

As a parent, you shouldn’t let these or any other statistics feed your fears and apprehensions. Each family is unique, and making your child successful as a single parent depends on you and your particular circumstances, not on statistics.

Although divorce is always a stressful and unpleasant event, it doesn’t have to be a tragedy affecting your child’s entire life. So do not despair! By keeping a positive attitude, you will see how to improve a child’s performance and prepare for each school year by helping them deal with the overall emotional impact of divorce.

Here are five pieces of educational advice for parents going through a divorce or who have already divorced.

1.  Play as a Team

Divorce is often a surprise for children, leading to prolonged stress caused by the changes in their routine. Therefore, children worry and want their mom and dad to be back together, like before. Some kids get sick, some misbehave, and some children’s academic performance deteriorates. These issues often attract both parents’ attention, so they begin to communicate, thinking about what to do.

But this is not about the child deliberately manipulating. It can happen unconsciously, especially in primary and secondary age children. They do not always understand the full scope of the situation, so they hope that the parents will reconcile.

If the parents’ decision to divorce is firm and final, their main common goal should be to build teamwork whenever possible. This means positive interaction when step parents are involved as well.  Make sure that the child understands the situation. Talk to the child together, explaining everything without any accusations against each other.

It is essential to outline how the child’s life and routine will change. Uncertainty and variability in the everyday schedule are bad for a kid’s psychological development, so it is not surprising if there is simply no “resource” left for learning.

Besides, even if there is only one primary caregiver and the child spends significantly less time with the second parent, priorities regarding education must be the same and consistent.

It would be best to talk to your spouse about how you would contribute to your child’s education, as each parent’s involvement in this process matters. Both mom and dad should get involved in their child’s life, be interested in the child’s academic performance and everything that happens at school and outside of school.

Where to begin?

  • Act interested in what is happening in the child’s life throughout the school year, not just on the eve of tests and exams. Bad grades and low motivation for certain subjects often arise from a lack of understanding of some relatively fundamental but straightforward topics. The longer the problem is ignored, the more frustrated the student becomes.
  • Do not scold or punish your child for their poor grades, do not compare them with other children, but do not ignore problems either.
  • Keep calm, and approach the situation with concern, not anger.
  • Get to the root of the problem, look for the causes of the bad grades.
  • Talk to the teacher. The teacher can best help parents understand the school’s academic requirements, expectations in class, and whether more help is needed.
  • Be ready to help your child at home. You often do not need to be a specialist to help your child understand a specific task. Sometimes it is enough to show attention and calmly discuss the topics or themes of the lesson together.

An essential condition for helping a child achieve academic success at any age is a trusting relationship between parents and a child, emotional support, and absence of conflicts over clashing parenting or discipline styles.

2.  Significant Others in Children’s Lives

The upbringing potential in a one-parent family is somewhat limited as the control and supervision of children become more complex. Also, when one of the parents is absent from a child’s life, this deprives the child of various options for family relationships.

All these are difficulties that may occur but not necessarily will. You can help your child feel safe and comfortable and show them other (besides marital) models of the adult-adult relationship.

If possible, you can delegate partial responsibility for the child’s education and upbringing to other relatives of any gender. If there is no such opportunity, a child can supplement this part of socialization in other ways, for example, by spending time in the company of the parent’s friends and observing how the parent communicates respectfully with other adults, including those who take care of the child – teachers, nannies, kids club supervisors, etc.

Why is this so important? Children from a single-parent family, and especially children of overprotective moms or dads, are more likely to show lower school performance, neurotic disorders, and lack of independence.

Also, a negative attitude towards the second parent, low self-esteem, and inadequate exactingness towards the custodial parent may develop. A child seeks the support of a “significant adult,” and this role in their life can be filled even by the most popular peer, who seems more dominant and independent.

How can parents help students succeed? First, make sure there is a meaningful and positive unrelated adult who inspires the child. This may be the head of a child club, school counselor, coach, or someone with authority in what interests the child. It can even be the child’s favorite teacher if a child can communicate with them on any topic without judgment.

Having an authority figure outside the family does not in any way detract from your connection with your child. It gives them a feeling of additional support in the “external” world, in society.

3.  Failure is an Option, but Fear is Not

Most parents want their children to study well because they believe that knowledge is the key to success in the future. This belief is true, but many single parents suffer from hyper-responsibility and anxiety, and such an approach to education may discourage a child from learning.

Some parents exaggerate the importance of grades, making children afraid to make mistakes rather than giving them the chance to overcome failures. As a result, a child feels ashamed for not knowing something and does not want to try to learn.

Young children often refuse to try something they have never tried before or have not yet learned to do correctly. They are just afraid to take risks. After all, their self-esteem is overestimated due to their age, and children are fearful of failure.

However, school-age children and teens need to be able to admit that ignorance is normal. The child should be ready to make mistakes, feel stupid, and as a result, receive an assessment and feedback on their work. And the parents should encourage them along the way.

How can parents support their child’s education and inspire new achievements? There are several ways:

  • Tell your child that there is no shame in not knowing something. And the most successful people never stop learning, without fear of looking stupid.
  • Always consider any mistakes as an attempt: “Well, it was worth a shot! Even if something didn’t work out, now you know more than before. So nothing is in vain!”
  • Show that you understand your child’s fears and hesitations. Give an example from your own life or career about how you conquered your fear of trying something new.
  • Always support and admire the child’s success, active motivation, and desire to gain new skills and learn more.
  • And, finally, remember: “Only those who do nothing never make mistakes.”

Support today also includes planning for the future.  Know your rights and the potential for post secondary educational support from your child’s other parent.

4.  Importance of Social Connectedness In Teenagers

When trying to help their child achieve academic success, many parents forget that forcing them to study is not the most efficient solution.

More often, the cause of the decline of academic performance is not the inability of the student to understand something but the lack of motivation or just rebellion. In this case, the parent’s demands, quarrels, and warnings are useless. Instead, to avoid academic pressure and understand your child’s problems, you need to see what is meaningful to them and what captivates and motivates them most.

Teenagers are focused on exploring the external world, and this world from which they are waiting for approval is outside the family, such as their peers with whom they want to be friends, the popular high schoolers, some teachers or coaches who inspire them, etc. Mom and dad are not the whole world. They are representatives of a safe and supportive family environment, and the teenager wants some guidance on how to adapt to this big world, survive in it, and ideally win.

Thus, your child probably would like to know how to become popular in school, or at least not an outcast, how to overcome shyness with girls or boys, how to show their talents, how to be no worse than others, or how to behave in a given situation so that it brings success.

All these things may seem silly for an adult person, but think back to your teenage years! After all, the best way to educate a child and become a more authoritative parent is to show respect to your teen son or daughter and maintain a friendship with them.

If you want to be friends with your child, help them adapt to their social environment. Of course, if this environment is destructive or dangerous, you can change your place of residence or school. However, if the social climate is ordinary (and most likely it is), learn more about it, ask your child, and be attentive to these conditions, laws, and customs.

The child should see that you understand and respect them and are ready to support them without challenging their values. Then, family involvement in the child’s education will be more productive. That is, it will be easier for your son or daughter to build up their confidence, fully develop their talents, and succeed at their favorite activity instead of wasting energy on resistance and rebellion.

5.  Good Marks Are Not The Ultimate Recipe For Success

No doubt, academic achievement is significant. It boosts self-confidence and provides more opportunities for choosing a future profession. But keep in mind that academic success is only part of your child’s development.

In his book, Keys to Single Parenting, psychologist Carl E. Pickhardt emphasizes that the role of other areas of growth in raising a happy child should not be underestimated. Social, emotional, moral, spiritual, physical, creative aspects of personality are no less important for your child’s success. They are human beings, and not just performers, which is often forgotten by people who tend to think “inside” the box and be intolerant of any imperfection.

However, the world is changing faster than social stereotypes, and it may be useful to recall the words of Harry S. Truman: “The ‘C’ students run the world.” After all, it takes a lot more than good grades to become famous.

According to research co-authored by Nobel laureate James Heckman, one of the most critical success factors is personality. At the same time, the IQ itself accounts for only 1% to 2% of the difference in income.

Although there is a relationship between school achievement and career success, grades do not always reflect soft skills, crucial for career and personal happiness. Thus, one last vital education tip for parents is to focus on developing traits such as leadership, willingness to take risks, networking and decision-making skills, time management, etc.

If a child is passionate about something they’re really good at and shows the above traits, you have nothing to worry about, even if their marks in some classes leave a lot to be desired. Let personal development through positive self-motivation and not a rat race towards high grades become your parenting paradigm. And most likely, under this approach, high marks will become just a pleasant side effect.


To sum it all up, single parents are no less likely to raise happy and successful children than anybody else.

According to the statistics, almost a quarter of US children under 18 live with one parent. However, modern research results do not support the notion that increases in single parenthood have severe consequences for children’s school achievement.

After all, the only thing that matters is the power of your love and support. Whether you are divorced or married, you are your child’s closest person. You are enough. So don’t let negative stereotypes discourage you. Believe in your child, believe in yourself, and it will help you cope with all the challenges you face.

by: Natalie Maximets
Natalie Maximets is a certified life transformation coach at She has expertise in mindfulness and sustainability. She is a published author focused on the most progressive solutions in the field of psychology. Natalie helps people go through fundamental life challenges, such as divorce, and build an entirely new life by reframing their personal narrative.

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