Safe and Sound: Parental Guidance in Teenage Online Businesses

Safe and Sound: Parental Guidance in Teenage Online Businesses

Many teens and young adults are interested in starting and owning businesses today. With the advancement of online retail and e-commerce platforms, including Amazon, Etsy, eBay, Wix, Square, and Shopify, this dream is more accessible than ever. However, budding entrepreneurs generally lack life and business experience.

In this way, parents are poised to provide not only encouragement but strategic guidance to their entrepreneurial teens.

Parents often recognize the valuable personal development that takes shape in teens through entrepreneurship.  However, they may not know how to help on their journey. Here we will explore the role parents play in supporting their teens’ entrepreneurial aspirations. We’ll also detail how they can best guide and secure online businesses for their children in today’s e-commerce landscape.

Benefits of Supporting Teen Online Businesses

Supporting your teen’s online business aspirations can seem daunting. Not all parents are business savvy or feel they have the time to help their child launch a business venture. So, it’s important to weigh the benefits of helping your teen start an online business before jumping into this commitment together.

Some online business benefits to consider:

  • Your teen will develop valuable tech skills in a growing industry. E-commerce has only grown in the past decade and is projected to increase continually between 2024 and 2028 by 56% or $475.2 billion in the US.
  • Your teen’s products or services will reach a wider target market online.
  • Your teen’s business will be easy to monitor with automated dashboards and software.
  • Your teen can grow and run their business from the safety and comfort of your home.

While there are many benefits of an online business for your teen, it is important to talk about the costs of starting a small business and the role you will play in it.

Parental Guidance in Creating an Online Business

As a parent, you should expect to be the most involved when forming the foundation of an online business with your teen. As is true of all entrepreneurships, the planning needed to launch a business idea is much more intensive than running the day-to-day operations of an established business. Try encouraging your teen not to rush the creation of their business as well as practice being available to help with the tasks of business planning and registration.

Start by helping your teen hone in on their business concept or idea. Most likely your teen has already demonstrated interest in a hobby or passion, so one way parents can guide their kids towards business success is by helping them distill a profitable business idea from their interests.

If your child has a particular craft or hobby that can be sold online, consider what they would need to ramp up production. If your child is knowledgeable about a subject, consider how they can sell their skills through online tutoring or coaching.

Once your teen has a workable business idea, your guidance will be largely needed for creating a solid legal foundation for the online business.

For example, if your teen would like to sell a physical good or design by ​​starting a craft-based online Etsy shop they will need to ensure their home-based shop meets legal requirements. Then, they’ll register their business as a sole proprietor or a limited liability company (LLC) with the state to sell their crafts.

You’ll need to do some joint investigation with your teen. The requirements for minors owning a business differ by state and as a parent, you may also be required to take legal responsibility for the business.

Parental Guidance in Safeguarding an Online Business

Teens are highly capable of operating their own businesses, especially online. But parents need to build some safeguards into their experience to secure it as a training ground.

Entrepreneurship in general is risky; 45% of businesses don’t make it past 5 years and 65% fail in the first 10 years. If your teen’s business doesn’t make it, it’s important to ensure they will not face excessive consequences or burdens from the experience.


Focusing on business finances with your teen is a great way to safeguard their online venture. You can guide your teen by helping quantify appropriate start-up costs that will be reasonable to replenish—luckily online businesses generally have lower start-up costs than their traditional counterparts.

You can also focus on teaching your child basic digital finance skills like using debit cards and online banking so they are familiar with financial independence. This combined effort should ensure your teen’s business will be a positive learning experience whether it turns a profit or not.


Another way to safeguard your teen’s online business is to help set expectations and guidance surrounding customer interactions. Teens need to learn how to appropriately meet customer expectations and healthily navigate issues that may arise with unhappy customers. Online businesses are a great platform for learning about customer service as most interactions will be tracked and documented through a written interface. This makes it easier for you as a parent to provide tailored guidance in tricky negotiations.

To conclude, starting and operating an online business is a great way for your teen to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams. As a parent, you should expect to be most involved during the planning and creation of your child’s business venture.

It’s also important to initiate some financial and customer-related safeguards with your child to ensure their experience will not cause undue stress. Overall, supporting and encouraging your teen in their online business venture will likely prove to be a rewarding learning and growing experience for both of you.

About the Author
About the AuthorKatie Brenneman is a passionate writer specializing in education, mental health, family lifestyle and online safety. When she isn’t writing, you can find her with her nose buried in a book or hiking with her dog, Charlie. You can follow her on Twitter.

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Strategies for Advancing Teaching Skills in Professional Educators

Teachers are not simply instructors but lifelong learners themselves. To keep up with growth in education, they must continually refine and expand their teaching skills. This commitment to professional growth not only enhances their own expertise but also significantly improves the learning experiences of their students.

Whether it’s mastering the latest technological tools, exploring new pedagogical theories, or understanding diverse cultural backgrounds, the journey of a professional educator is filled with endless opportunities for development.

Advancing Teaching Skills in Educators

For educators looking to take their teaching to the next level, numerous strategies can facilitate this growth. These methods range from engaging with digital courses and attending enlightening workshops to participating in mentorship programs and seeking feedback directly from their students.

Each approach offers unique benefits and can be tailored to meet individual professional needs and circumstances. In this article, we explore ten practical strategies that can help professional educators enhance their teaching skills, ensuring they remain effective, motivated, and responsive to the needs of their students. By adopting these practices, teachers not only better themselves but also make a lasting impact on their educational communities.

1. Incorporating Professional Development

Professional educators often find themselves in need of updating their skills or acquiring new ones to keep up with evolving educational standards and practices. Incorporating online learning into their professional development is an effective way to achieve this. Online courses, particularly those leading to a teaching degree or certifications, provide flexibility, allowing educators to learn at their own pace and on their own schedule.

For example, pursuing a teaching degree online can open up new avenues for instructional techniques and classroom management. These courses cover a vast range of topics, from innovative teaching methods to special education, thereby catering to a wide array of interests and professional needs. This method of professional development not only enriches an educator’s knowledge but also enhances their teaching repertoire, making it a valuable tool for anyone looking to advance their teaching career.

2. Collaborative Learning and Peer Observations

Collaborative learning and peer observations are vital for educators seeking to refine their teaching strategies. By engaging in peer observation, teachers can gain insights into different classroom management styles and teaching techniques.

This process typically involves observing a peer’s class and providing constructive feedback, as well as receiving feedback on their own teaching methods. Such interactions promote a culture of openness and continuous improvement among faculty members.

3. Utilizing Technology in the Classroom

With technology playing an increasingly significant role in education, it’s crucial for teachers to integrate new tools into their classrooms to enhance educational delivery and engage students. From using interactive whiteboards and tablets to employing educational apps and online resources, technology can make learning more interactive and accessible.

Furthermore, teachers should strive to keep themselves updated with the latest technological advancements and understand how to apply them effectively within their teaching practices.

4. Attending Workshops and Conferences

Attending workshops and conferences is another excellent strategy for educators to advance their teaching skills. These events provide unique opportunities to learn from leading experts in the field and to stay current with the latest educational research and best practices.

Workshops can offer intensive, practical training in specific areas such as conflict resolution, special needs education, or innovative instructional techniques. Conferences, on the other hand, allow educators to broaden their understanding of educational trends and network with peers from various backgrounds.

5. Pursuing Higher Education

For educators who are serious about advancing in their careers, pursuing higher education can be a transformative step. Higher education not only provides deeper knowledge and specialized skills but also enhances an educator’s credibility and teaching capacity. Programs are available in areas such as educational leadership, curriculum design, and educational psychology, among others.

By pursuing further education, teachers not only benefit themselves but also bring added value to their classrooms and schools, fostering an environment where academic excellence and professional growth go hand in hand.

6. Engaging with Professional Learning Communities

Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) offer a structured approach to sharing expertise and enhancing teaching practices through collaborative learning. By joining these communities, educators can tap into a wealth of shared knowledge and resources that are often not available within their immediate working environment. PLCs focus on solving common educational problems, developing new teaching strategies, and discussing what works in the classroom.

This collective approach to problem-solving not only fosters professional development but also creates a support network that educators can rely on.

7. Reflective Practice and Journaling

Reflective practice is an essential part of a teacher’s professional growth. It involves critically assessing one’s own teaching methods and student responses to improve both classroom delivery and learning outcomes. Keeping a journal is a practical approach to this reflective practice. Educators can record daily or weekly observations, thoughts, and feelings about their teaching experiences. Over time, this journal becomes a valuable resource for identifying successful strategies and areas needing improvement.

8. Mentorship Programs

Participating in mentorship programs can significantly benefit both new and experienced educators. New teachers can learn from the experiences and guidance of seasoned professionals, gaining insights and advice that are crucial in the early stages of their careers.

For experienced teachers, acting as mentors allows them to refine their leadership skills and stay engaged with the latest educational strategies. Mentorship not only helps in transferring knowledge but also builds a supportive learning environment that can lead to sustained educational improvement and a more cohesive school culture.

9. Developing Cultural Competence

In today’s diverse educational environments, developing cultural competence is increasingly important. Educators must understand and appreciate the cultural backgrounds of their students to create inclusive learning experiences that respect and integrate diverse perspectives. Training sessions, workshops, and immersion experiences can help teachers develop the skills needed to effectively communicate and engage with students from different cultural backgrounds. This understanding can greatly enhance the educational experience by making lessons more relevant and accessible to all students, fostering a classroom environment that values diversity and promotes equality.

10. Regular Feedback from Students

Soliciting regular student feedback is a direct and effective method for educators to assess and improve their teaching methods. Students can provide unique insights into what teaching approaches work best for them, which can be instrumental in adapting lesson plans and interaction styles. Teachers can implement regular, anonymous surveys or feedback sessions that encourage honest and constructive criticism. This feedback is invaluable as it not only helps teachers become more responsive to their student’s needs but also fosters a learning environment where students feel valued and understood.


Advancing teaching skills is a dynamic and continuous process essential for professional educators committed to excellence in education. By incorporating strategies such as online learning, engaging in peer collaboration, leveraging technology, attending professional development events, and pursuing higher education, teachers can significantly enhance their capabilities and impact.

Additionally, engaging with professional learning communities, practicing reflective journaling, participating in mentorship programs, developing cultural competence, and seeking regular feedback from students are all practices that contribute to a well-rounded and effective teaching career.

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Fun Activities to Stimulate Your Child’s Mind and Ignite Lifelong Learning

Fun Activities to Stimulate Your Child's Mind and Ignite Lifelong Learning

As parents, nurturing a child’s curiosity and fostering a love for learning is paramount in their developmental journey. Engaging them in activities that entertain while simulating their minds can lay the foundation for a lifetime of exploration and intellectual growth.

By incorporating playful yet educational experiences into their daily routines, you can ignite a passion for learning that lasts a lifetime. Here are some fun activities that will captivate your child’s imagination and promote lifelong learning.

Exploration through Nature Walks

According to the Raising Children Network, nature walks offer a treasure trove of learning opportunities for children.

As they step outside, they encounter a living classroom teeming with biodiversity. Encourage your child to observe closely, noting the shapes of leaves, the colors of flowers, and the behaviors of animals.

These walks not only cultivate an appreciation for nature but also develop observational skills and scientific curiosity. Additionally, exposure to outdoor environments has been linked to improved mental well-being and cognitive development in children, making it a holistic learning experience.

Creative Arts and Crafts

As noted by, by age 3, children exhibit substantial growth and developmental milestones, marking an important stage in their journey. Engaging in arts and crafts activities unleashes a world of imagination for children.

Whether they’re painting a masterpiece, sculpting with clay, or crafting with recycled materials, each project offers a unique outlet for self-expression.

Beyond the joy of creation, these activities also enhance fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Research suggests that involvement in creative endeavors can stimulate neural pathways associated with problem-solving and emotional regulation, promoting holistic brain development in children.

Cooking Adventures in the Kitchen

Cooking with your child provides more than just delicious meals—it’s a hands-on lesson in math, science, and life skills. From measuring ingredients to observing chemical reactions, each step of the cooking process offers a learning opportunity.

By involving them in meal preparation, you’re teaching concepts such as fractions, temperature, and nutrition in a practical context. Moreover, cooking together fosters communication and teamwork, as you collaborate to create culinary delights and share meaningful experiences.

Storytelling and Book Exploration

As per Encyclopedia Britannica, children’s literature began to emerge as a distinct genre in the latter half of the 18th century. It gradually evolved from its early, rudimentary forms. Throughout the 20th century, this genre experienced exponential growth, solidifying its place as a respected branch of literature.

Its rich development over time has warranted recognition and appreciation alongside other established literary forms.

Storytelling is a timeless tradition that sparks imagination and nurtures language development in children. Reading together opens the door to new worlds, characters, and ideas, stimulating cognitive growth and empathy.

Through storytelling, children learn to express themselves verbally, expanding their vocabulary and comprehension skills. Moreover, research indicates that regular reading habits correlate with improved academic performance and enhanced emotional intelligence in children. This sets the stage for a lifelong love of literature.

Puzzle Solving and Brain Teasers

Puzzles and brain teasers are more than just fun—they’re mental workouts that strengthen cognitive abilities. Whether it’s solving a Sudoku puzzle or unraveling a riddle, each challenge engages problem-solving skills and critical thinking.

Moreover, puzzles encourage perseverance and resilience in the face of challenges, teaching children the value of patience and persistence. Studies suggest that regular engagement with puzzles can improve memory, concentration, and overall cognitive function, making them valuable tools for lifelong learning.

Educational Toys for Hands-On Learning

Educational toys are indispensable tools for fostering hands-on learning experiences in children. These toys come in various forms, from building blocks and puzzles to science kits and interactive games. They are designed to engage young minds and promote skill development. By providing children with opportunities for open-ended play, educational toys encourage exploration, experimentation, and problem-solving.

When selecting educational toys for your child, it’s essential to consider their interests, developmental stage, and learning goals. Look for toys that align with their interests, whether it’s dinosaurs, space exploration, or creative construction. Additionally, opt for toys that challenge your child’s abilities without overwhelming them, promoting growth and confidence.

Quality is crucial when it comes to educational toys. Choose toys made from durable materials that can withstand the rigors of play and maintain their educational value over time. Avoid toys that are overly simplistic or gimmicky, as they may offer limited engagement and learning opportunities.

In today’s digital age, ordering toys online has become increasingly convenient. Online retailers offer a wide selection of educational toys that can be purchased with just a few clicks. Thanks to technology, you can buy educational and quality toys at Brighten Play and other similar online retailers from the comfort of your home.

Outdoor Games and Physical Activities

Outdoor games and physical activities are essential for promoting physical health and social development in children. Whether it’s playing tag, riding bikes, or kicking a ball around, these activities provide opportunities for exercise and social interaction.

Beyond the physical benefits, outdoor play also stimulates cognitive skills such as spatial awareness, coordination, and decision-making. Research suggests that regular outdoor play is associated with improved attention spans, emotional regulation, and overall well-being in children. This highlights the importance of incorporating outdoor activities into their daily routines.


How does outdoor play help a child’s cognitive development?

Outdoor play stimulates a child’s cognitive development by engaging their senses and promoting exploration, problem-solving, and creativity. It encourages them to observe and interact with their environment, fostering critical thinking skills, spatial awareness, and an understanding of the world around them.

Do books help with children’s development?

Yes, books play a crucial role in children’s development by enhancing language skills, expanding vocabulary, and fostering imagination. Reading also promotes cognitive development, critical thinking, empathy, and emotional intelligence, laying the foundation for lifelong learning and personal growth.

Why are toys good for child development?

Toys support child development by stimulating imagination, creativity, and problem-solving skills. They encourage exploration and experimentation, fostering cognitive, social, and emotional development. Additionally, toys can facilitate physical activity, coordination, and sensory development, contributing to holistic growth and learning.

In conclusion, by integrating a spectrum of educational activities into a child’s routine, parents lay the groundwork for a lifelong journey of learning. From the wonders of nature to the joy of storytelling, each experience offers invaluable opportunities for growth and development.

Through thoughtful engagement with educational toys and encouragement of outdoor play, children not only expand their cognitive abilities but also nurture essential life skills. This holistic approach fosters a deep appreciation for learning, empowering children to navigate the complexities of the world with confidence and curiosity.

Thus, investing in such enriching experiences paves the way for a future filled with endless possibilities.

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What Oil Do You Put in Your Ear for an Earache?

Earaches are the worst. Whether they come with sharp intermittent pain or a dull throbbing sensation, an earache has the potential to derail your day, disrupt your sleep, or worse, lead to further health issues. While earaches can be painful, you don’t have to let them ruin your day and you don’t have to take medications to find the relief you deserve.

In fact, there are natural oil remedies that you can put in your ear to relieve the pain.

Read on to learn about what oil you put in your ear for an earache.

Five Oils You Can Put in Your Ear for an Earache

Several oils can help you manage ear pain. However, it’s important to use the best oils to ensure that you treat the pain properly. Plus, using the wrong oils can even make an earache worse or cause health problems. Learn about our top five picks for oil that can treat an earache below.

1. Tea Tree Oil

One of the best oils to put in your ear for an earache is tea tree oil. It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and even antiparasitic properties. Tea tree oil is safe for use on your skin and even in your ear when you combine it with a thicker carrier oil like olive oil. It’s also one of the few oils that you can put directly in your ear, so it’s perfect for a deeper earache that you can’t relieve by treating the outside of your ear. To use tea tree oil effectively, use a dropper and place the mixture of tea tree oil and olive oil in your ear. Then, lay on your side for about three minutes.

2. Lavender Oil

Another great oil for an earache is lavender oil. This oil has anti-inflammatory properties and can be used on your skin to relieve pain and swelling. When it comes to earaches, you can use lavender oil on the external part of your ear to relieve pain. You can use the oil by running it into your skin outside the ear. To use the oil properly, we recommend adding a few drops of lavender oil to a warm water mixture. Then, rub it into the skin outside your ear.

3. Clove Bud

Clove bud oil is an at-home remedy that you can use to treat ear pain. It’s suitable for several types of earaches, and you can place it right in your ear. Some of the benefits that clove bud oil can offer include analgesic properties and anti-inflammatory properties. When using clove bud, make sure you combine it with a carrier oil like sesame oil. To maximize the benefits add a few drops of clove bud oil to sesame seed oil and bring it to a boil. From there, filter the oil and let it cool before adding it to your ear.

4. Oregano

Oregano isn’t just a seasoning. You can use this oil to treat pain in your ear thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. The oil can be homemade, but you’re better off getting an essential oil blend that has the appropriate potency for earaches. What makes oregano unique to some other oils is that it can stop the spread of infections. Therefore, if you have an ear infection that’s causing pain, oregano is one of the best options to reduce pain.

5. Orange

Orange essential oil is great for removing wax from your ear. If you have a wax buildup in your ear that’s causing pain, a sweet oil like orange oil might do the trick. That said, you don’t want to put too much orange essential oil in your ear because it can irritate the ear. For this reason, you should dilute the oil before you put it in your ear. You can use water or a carrier like olive oil.

man with earache

Get Essential Oils for an Earache Today!

Oils for an earache can be a great way to approach an ear infection, wax buildup, or earache holistically. While it might not give you the same results as some medications, the best oils for earaches come close and won’t have the nasty side effects that some anti-inflammatory medications might have.

When adding oil to your ear, we recommend using essential oils that have the appropriate mixture to avoid running into problems. In fact, you can find essential oil bundles for earaches that can help you with wax removal, ear infections, and general inflammation.

Related Reading

Learn about kid approved ear care to help keep little ears in top shape.

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