How Private Tutors Can Help Students

How Private Tutors Can Help Students

We keep reading ominous reports about how kids still haven’t recovered from the pandemic learning loss, even after a year of being back in the classroom. Other reports concerning the state of education in our country aren’t encouraging, either. How can we get our students back on track for academic success?

Tutors for Homework Help

After so long of being in class at home, students aren’t exactly jumping at the chance to do more schoolwork at home. But homework is a vital part of the independent learning process, especially if those assignments include project work.

Even before the pandemic, some kids had a hard time learning and doing homework under their parents’ guidance. But during the year of parent-supervised classes at home, many families suffered tensions because there was no room for code-switching between roles. Mom/dad had to be Teacher at the same time. Students had to simultaneously be kids. And home was still home but it also became school and office.

That experience was so impactful to students (and parents!) that it’s not hard to imagine how tempers could flare again. That’s not an ideal learning situation. Bringing a private tutor in to help your kids with their homework is a great way to defuse that tension and turn home learning back into a positive experience.

Tutors for Exam Preparation

You may have heard that educators around the world are currently debating doing away with homework. Some say that too many after-school assignments cause kids to stress and lose sleep, while others contend homework contributes little to overall learning.

But we’re not likely to ever hear educators debate doing away with exams, especially not standardized testing. We get lots of valuable data about the state of education from those test results. And besides, your kids need top scores to have the best chance at academic success. So, you might balk at private tuition for homework help, but it would be hard to forego private tutoring for test prep.

Let’s say your child has always struggled with math. It would be good for them to take classes with a private math tutor just to keep up with their classmates. But if they’ve not had the benefit of regular private tuition and exams are right around the corner, a test prep tutor specializing in math is the next best option.

Tutors for Academic Coaching

These days, kids are under a lot of pressure, and not only because of pandemic learning loss. On top of standard school-age worries like fitting in and bullying, today’s pupils worry about everything from staying safe to climate change.

Parents do their best to soothe those fears, but kids know that’s just mom and dad talking. Hearing the same pragmatic messaging from another authority figure would go far towards helping students rein in their galloping worries.

Academic tutors are well suited for this role. These mentors specialize in helping students get organized and decide what their priorities are. For instance, they might point out that packing the next day’s lunch and laying out school clothes before going to bed will cut down on the early-morning panic of trying to get everything done before leaving for school.

That doesn’t sound like much but starting the day stress-free allows your learner to have a positive mindset to whatever the day may bring. They’ll be more open to learning and enjoying their school experience. More importantly, it teaches them that managing little things leaves them more time and brain power to tackle the big issues on their minds.

Your child sees everyone in their life as having a distinct role. Teachers are for school and parents are for home. Tutors form the bridge between the two, enhancing the value and joy of both. Tutors are confidants, mentors, and teachers, ready to help your child in whichever capacity you need them to.

4 Reasons Why Students Struggle With Math

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