How To Teach Your Children the Importance of Recycling

How To Teach Your Children the Importance of Recycling

Recycling is something that all students learn about in school, but to make sure that these positive habits stick with them, you may need to follow up with additional lessons at home. Here are some tips on how to teach your children about the importance of recycling. Learn how to pass on these important habits to your kids.

Get Them Involved at Home

Your home is the perfect space to teach your kids to recycle because it allows them to apply what they’ve learned at school in a no-pressure environment. Consider creating kid-friendly sorting bins that are easy for your kids to understand. Teaching kids to use colors to sort different recyclables can be helpful for kids who are just learning how to read.

Sort recyclables by paper, plastic, glass, and compost if your family participates in composting. Even if your waste collection or rubbish removal service doesn’t require separation, this process helps children understand the differences between recyclable materials.

Teach Them How To Reuse Things

We all know the three Rs of recycling: reduce, reuse, and recycle (though some education systems teach as many as nine Rs, including repurposing, repairing, and more). Let’s focus on reuse for now. You might be wondering how to teach children to safely reuse the items they use every day.  Children can reuse items in the same way adults do.

For example, teach your children to avoid single-use plastic items and instead utilize a refillable water bottle, thermos, or lunch box. Carefully choosing the materials you use to pack their lunches can have a significant impact. Instead of using a disposable paper bag, choose a lunch box for them to take to school every day and stock it with reusable containers.

Don’t Forget About E-Waste

There’s no doubt about the impact of technology on students’ ability to learn while at school and at home, but this technology won’t last forever. When discussing recycling, you should also tell your children about the impact that electronics can have on the environment. After all, when we throw away electronics like old smartphones and computer parts, these pieces typically end up as e-waste in a landfill, which is particularly harmful to the environment.

It might be difficult for your child to understand that the smartphone in their hand or their school laptop could one day end up in a landfill. Do your best to explain to them that everything has a lifespan. Hang onto old electronics such as flip phones and old computer accessories to show them that even items that were considered high-tech at one point won’t last forever.

When their electronics do start to show signs of age, teach your kids responsible ways to dispose of them, such as taking them to a local e-waste collection facility or sending them to the manufacturer for repairs or refurbishing.

There are many distinct recycling guidelines and details that children don’t always learn in school. Knowing how to teach your children about the importance of recycling will help supplement the basic lesson they learn in school. These tips will help solidify the concepts and practices of recycling; hopefully, your kids will go on to teach the next generation as well.

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