Category: Online Safety for Kids

Digital Awareness for Kids: Nonprofit Programs Promoting Online Safety

The more technology advances, the more the digital space becomes dangerous, especially for unsuspecting kids and teenagers.  Social media apps and other online platforms are obviously supposed to be fun, educative, and informative. It is how we get entertainment, news, and trends, and connect with other people across the world.

However, it has also made phishing, scams, cyber predators, and cyberbullying easy. That is why cyber security for nonprofit programs are stepping up to address and promote digital awareness for kids and online safety.

Cybersecurity for Kids – Internet Dangers

We are living in a digital era where technology has taken over and continues to do so with every advancement and new development. Kids nowadays are being born and growing up with technology being a significant part of their lives. Therefore, digital literacy has never been more important.

From a small age, children can use different technologies like phones, tablets, and even laptops, which exposes them to the internet early and makes them vulnerable to online threats. Some of these poised dangers include;


This is one of the greatest cybersecurity concerns for kids and teens. Statistics report at least 50% of kids and teens have social anxiety due to cyberbullying, with a majority of them witnessing cyberbullying acts online.

This is mostly a concern to kids on social media and online games where they can easily be ridiculed and attacked by strangers online. The best way to protect kids from cyberbullying is by sitting them down and having conversations about it.

Discuss their activities online and what could possibly happen if they are not careful. It is also important that you teach them how to protect themselves against bullies and stand up to them.

Cyber Predators

We always teach our kids about stranger danger in real life; do not talk to strangers, do not go with strangers, do not accept sweets and other things from strangers, and so on. However, many times, we forget to give our kids the same education about online predators.

Predators know that kids hang out online more and have therefore taken advantage of it and made the internet their hunting ground. Internet stalkers can take advantage of unsupervised children, luring them into dangerous personal meetings.


A lot of us have been victims of phishing at some point in our lives. However, at least more adults should know better now, leaving kids and teenagers a primary target for these fraudsters and scammers.

How they work is that they disguise themselves as reputable entities/ companies/ organizations, and try to trick people into giving their sensitive and personal information such as usernames and passwords, through malicious emails and messages.

Because the messages and emails can often appear to be from legit people, like a family member, or reputable companies, it makes it difficult for kids to detect the scam, making them easily fall into the trap.

It is important to teach your kids to refrain from clicking suspicious links on messages and emails, no matter how legit they seem, and to always seek an adult’s guidance in case these messages pop up on their devices and they are not sure what to do.

The Role of Nonprofits in Promoting Digital Awareness and Online Safety for Kids and Cybersecurity for Nonprofits

Nonprofit organizations that are dedicated to children’s online safety understand how scammers have become even more cunning, and how important it is to tighten cybersecurity for nonprofits and online safety for kids.

These organizations work tirelessly to raise awareness about the potential risks associated with online activities and provide resources and support to children and their caregivers to ensure internet safety.

Here are some ways nonprofits are promoting digital awareness and safety for kids;

Education and Awareness

Nonprofits are now collaborating with schools and other educational institutions to raise awareness about cyber-attacks, cyber threats, cyberbullying, and other cybersecurity concerns through various programs and initiatives.

They provide workshops and training about digital literacy and safety, which educate children and teenagers on how to recognize threats online, stay safe on the internet, and stand up for themselves to bullies and predators.

They also emphasize the importance of parental monitoring, and educating parents and caregivers on how to guide their kids on online activities.

Tools and Resources

It is important that nonprofits provide the tools and resources needed to keep children and parents in the know about cybersecurity. These tools may include mobile applications, websites, online forums with live Q&As, and more.

These resources should cover topics such as privacy settings, online etiquette, and recognizing and reporting cyberbullying, to not only promote online safety for children but also enhance cyber security for nonprofits.

Support and Helplines

Providing support and helplines is another important way for nonprofits to foster online security. These are safe havens where children and their parents or caregivers can seek assistance in case of online safety issues.

They can report incidents of cyberbullying, cyber attacks, and any other cyber security issues, and get the necessary support and help they need.

Online Safety Rules for Kids

Digital Awareness for Kids: Nonprofit Programs Promoting Online Safety

In fostering cybersecurity for nonprofits and online safety for kids and teenagers, there are some online safety rules to help kids stay safe on social media, gaming sites, and other online platforms and forums where they are most likely to experience cyber insecurities. Here are some tips;

Never share personal informationTeach your kids what personal information is and how to keep this information private. This may include their full names, physical addresses, school names, email addresses, phone numbers, and any other piece of information that may be used to identify them or against them, online or offline.

Always use a strong password – It is important for kids to understand that passwords and usernames are everything when it comes to online safety. It is one of the most important pieces of information that could give online predators access to their lives. Create strong and unique passwords and avoid easy-to-guess passwords like birthday dates and names.

Always keep social media accounts private – Make sure your kids’ social profiles are private so that not everybody can have access to their information. Only approved friends and family should be able to see their posts. Also, check their friends and follow requests, and teach them how to do some due diligence before accepting random strangers into their space.

Cyberbullying awareness – Children mostly fall prey to cyberbullying and online attacks because they are young, naive, and vulnerable. Predators and online bullies take advantage of their innocence and lack of knowledge and information to make them their victims. Cybersecurity education is important to ensure kids know what cyberbullying is and how to handle it. Encourage them to talk to an adult if they experience or witness any of it.

Use parental controls – Adult monitoring is the only sure way to protect kids online. Ensure you have access to your kids’ devices to monitor their phones and online activities. Check the social media apps they are using, who they are interacting with online, what they are posting, and pretty much every other little detail.

Note that being a spy is not necessary. Let them know that you will be monitoring their online activities and make them understand why it is necessary. Communication is key.


It is the duty of the community at large to ensure that kids are well-protected and that they are safe, both online and offline. Nonprofit programs that promote online safety for kids and cybersecurity for nonprofits are a great way to spread digital awareness.

These organizations provide the necessary education, tools, and resources, and offer support and helplines that help empower children to make informed decisions and protect themselves online.

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How to Explain the Complex Problem of Social Engineering to Kids

How to Explain the Complex Problem of Social Engineering to Kids

Among all the tips for helping kids stay safe online, many parents and educators often forget about the growing and complicated issue and threat of social engineering. On first impressions, social engineering doesn’t seem that harmful, but when you look at it more deeply, you can soon realize how devastating it can be.

Social engineering is – taking it at its very definition – a major security threat to individuals, businesses and institutions worldwide. It’s often grouped together with other frequent and pervasive types of cybercrime like phishing, given how social engineering tactics inherently prey on human emotions and responses. When you scratch beneath the surface, social engineering attacks are arguably more calculated and dangerous than viruses and malware.

While kids everywhere are rightfully taught about the dangers of misinformation, practicing online safety, and preventing cyberbullying, social engineering is one area that’s rarely explored in as much detail. With cybercrime growing rifer and more frequent with each passing day, it’s crucial that kids and teenagers understand the common manipulation tactics that criminals or fraudsters could use to attempt to trick them. Seemingly harmless and simple requests to hand over information, perform actions or send responses over the Internet can lead to a myriad of consequences.

When it comes to understanding and preventing social engineering, knowledge is power. Teaching children to identify and recognize what these types of attack methods look like will help them – and others – win the battle against online crime. By bolstering our defenses and awareness even a little bit, we can encourage more kids to stay safe online and prevent data, information or funds from falling into the hands of malicious actors.

Follow the guidance below to teach your children about some of the most common social engineering techniques, real-world examples, and practical advice you can give them to increase their awareness.

What is Social Engineering?

Social engineering relies on natural human tendencies in interactions and communication. In a typical example, a perpetrator would knowingly exploit a victim by earning their trust and creating the impression that the former is ‘safe’. At this point, the victim’s guard is marginally lowered to the point where systems, logins, devices, data or information could be passed over to the perpetrator without question.

As opposed to bad actors using code or algorithms to execute sophisticated hacks on systems and networks, they use psychological tactics to manipulate users, adjusting attacks based on responses and emotions. Enterprise-grade defence solutions use sophisticated technology to catch hackers accessing networks and systems in the act, however, detecting an individual executing a calculated attack in person is more difficult. It can be argued that no technology is intuitive enough to detect a person’s true intentions, particularly if operating outside the digital space, which is why awareness is absolutely vital.

Social engineering tactics could see people impersonating trusted individuals from reputable companies like your bank or your school’s IT helpdesk. Sometimes perpetrators could knowingly leave infected devices like USB drives for easy access to lure unsuspecting victims to use‌ them, leading to malware being uploaded on devices, as an example.

Commonly, however, social engineering involves digital communication methods like email, with fraudsters invariably making up scenarios and posing as trusted people to obtain information. Most dialogue will be written with a sense of urgency or fear to get the victim to reveal information more quickly, click a malicious link or download a dangerous file.

Given that these techniques take advantage of people’s inclinations to trust others, and that they involve an element of human interaction, preventing these attacks can be challenging. Skilled social engineering experts can convince even technically savvy people to hand over sensitive data with ease.

Social Engineering Attack Examples

Understanding what a social engineering attack may look like in real life can help children identify warning signs early, and report activities to the relevant authorities.

Some examples of social engineering include:

  • Fake support calls – Someone phones claiming to be a tech support engineer for Microsoft or Apple and states that viruses have been detected on your device. They convey that you urgently need to download software on your device, which ultimately ends up being malware.
  • Fraudulent notifications – Emails that appear to be from banks or other trustworthy online services urging you to verify account information due to suspicious activity. The links go to fake websites or landing pages that look convincing, but due to the perceived urgency, the user doesn’t take time to validate the page, thus entering credentials which end up compromised.
  • Social media scams – Posts on Facebook, Instagram or TikTok offering free giveaways, gift cards, or charity donations may often request an exchange for personal details like your address. These end up being used for identity theft with no rewards or products sent to you in the end.

These examples illustrate how social engineering focuses on exploiting human nature and intuition. Even if children are well-informed about cybercrime in theory, skilled manipulators can still bypass those initial barriers of uncertainty. Given how children and teenagers may not be as familiar with interacting with adults on their own, it’s crucial that parents and teachers educate them on some baseline security steps.

Why Children are Vulnerable to Social Engineering

Kids and teenagers are prime targets for social engineering attacks because most are inclined to believe others by default, making it easier for fraudsters to manipulate them. In 2022 alone, there was a 20% increase in child cybercrime, which averages about seven children per day facing online exploitation.

They don’t have the life experience or frameworks built into their subconscious minds to recognize shady behavior and younger kids in particular struggle to think about the long-term consequences of their actions. This makes risky decisions seem harmless and odd behaviors easy to overlook, particularly if perpetrators use psychological manipulation and claim to be their ‘friends’ and promise rewards of social acceptance.

What’s more, kids don’t realize how much value their personal data has and don’t always recognize the impacts of sharing it with anybody they meet, even if they appear friendly.

Tips for Effective Discussions with Kids

Having regular, open discussions with children is the most effective way to raise awareness of social engineering and prevent it from happening in the future. Teachers can engage kids with interactive training and videos to reinforce the importance of online safety, emphasizing the motivations of social engineers and how they may have hidden agendas.

On a deeper level, parents can emphasize how scams can tap into natural emotions like excitement or fear. The key is to convey the important facts but not to the point where children are frightened and upset. Younger kids have shorter attention spans, naturally, so communicating the important tips quickly and succinctly is key.

Most importantly, kids should be encouraged to ask questions openly without judgment to foster engagement and interest, as they will likely listen to active responses. Ultimately, with age-appropriate conversations happening early enough and continuing as they grow older, they’ll recognize the importance of turning to trusted adults for help or guidance.

Tips for Overcoming Attacks and Improving Security in the Future

If your child encounters a potential social engineering scam online or face to face, first calmly talk through what happened without blame. Overreacting can discourage them from confiding in you moving forward when they need help again.

Take pragmatic steps like changing compromised passwords, contacting affected account providers (e.g. banks), reporting the incident, and bolstering security with TFA (two-factor authentication) if not already enabled. Notify any websites or apps that were used fraudulently, divulging details of the attacker if known. Most importantly, turn the experience into an impactful lesson by reviewing how to spot and respond to similar manipulation tactics in the future.

Ongoing education is vital to help kids stay safe from evolving social engineering threats. Set a strong example online and advise kids to verify unusual requests and be wary of suspicious activity.

Encourage kids to use stronger privacy settings on apps and install reputable antivirus and malware software on devices, routinely scanning and patching as needed. Monitor their activities online appropriately as they mature, emphasizing how it’s okay for them to say no, stop engaging with people, and seek help from trusted adults.

It’s no secret that social engineering presents numerous complex challenges for kids growing up in an increasingly connected and digital world. However, by taking the time to have thoughtful, blame-free conversations about the issue, and understanding their concerns and behaviors, we can all help foster greater preparedness. Even understanding how social engineering works can encourage more kids to question requests before handing information over willingly. With empathy and consistency, kids can feel empowered to protect themselves and others.

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Melaleuca’s IT Boot Camp: Empowering Students with Skills for Safer Digital Futures

Melaleuca's IT Boot Camp: Empowering Students with Skills for Safer Digital Futures

In an era where kids have grown up amidst the rise of digital platforms, understanding the nuances of online safety is imperative. Melaleuca recognized this need and aimed to equip high school students with not just computer skills but also an understanding of how to navigate the online world safely.

This was the overarching theme of the recent computer science boot camp held at Melaleuca Global Headquarters.

Adrianna, an aspiring author, went into the boot camp with a modest understanding of computer science. She emerged with a newfound skill in website building, but more importantly, an appreciation for the layers of safety that need to be in place when working online.

“Before this camp, I knew nothing about coding. Now, I not only understand it but recognize the importance of securing what I create,” she reflected.

From July 24 to 28, over two dozen students delved deep into HTML and CSS coding under the expert guidance of Nathan Birch, an IT professor from BYU-Idaho. But intertwined with lessons on were sessions on cybersecurity, privacy settings, and the ethics of digital behavior.

Beyond this, IT experts from Melaleuca introduced students to real-world scenarios of how IT innovation can be both a tool for progress and, if not safely managed, a potential risk. These discussions broadened their perspectives, making them consider the wider implications of their online actions.

Cole Clinger, Melaleuca’s President, emphasized the boot camp’s dual focus.

“While we aim to give students technical skills, we equally prioritize ensuring they are equipped to use these skills responsibly in a digital age where safety is paramount,” he remarked.

Students like Seth walked away with more than just coding skills. They also learned the importance of secure platforms, the role of parental controls, and tools that can help safeguard their creations and communications online.

The tech boot camp is a part of Melaleuca’s broader vision to nurture well-rounded digital citizens who are both tech-savvy and internet smart. Todd Sorenson, Melaleuca’s Chief Information Officer, shared this sentiment:

“We are not just creating future IT professionals; we are shaping responsible digital users. Our kids should be ready and safe as they embark on their online journeys.”

After a week of intensive learning, students were awarded certificates, a testament to their newfound skills in coding and online safety. Melaleuca’s initiative is an encouraging reminder that companies can play a pivotal role in ensuring the internet becomes a more secure environment for our children.

Parents and students keen to know more about how they can participate in next year’s transformative boot camp are encouraged to contact Melaleuca at 208-522-0700.

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Talking to Kids About Good Online Behavior

Parents Talking to Kids About Online Safety

Today, access to the internet is pervasive. And while the internet has many benefits, it also carries some risks. As parents, we need to talk to our kids about how to navigate the digital world safely and responsibly.  This is not a one-time discussion. It’s ongoing because the internet is always changing and evolving.

Here’s how you can start the conversation and build a safe online environment for your family. 

1. Start early

Today, exposure to the internet begins at a young age. Yet 18% of teens say they haven’t talked with anybody about what good online behavior looks like. Don’t wait to start talking to your kids about proper internet behavior and setting appropriate boundaries.

For younger children, this might be as simple as setting time limits on screen use, disciplining yourself not to use technology as a pacifier to calm rowdy behavior, and encouraging offline play and interactions.

As your kids get older, budget more screen time paired with more responsibility and accountability. Eventually, you can also start introducing more mature topics of conversation, such as internet safety, cyberbullying, and privacy.

By opening the lines of communication early, you can set clear expectations from the start and help guide your kids along the way.     

2. Do your homework

Before you sit down with your child, brush up on the latest internet trends and social apps. If your kid uses social media, what channels are they active on?

Some of the most popular platforms for today’s teens and tweens include:

  • Instagram
  • Snapchat
  • Kik Messenger
  • Tumblr 
  • Tik Tok
  • Whatsapp
  • Twitch
  • Roblox
  • Discord

Despite their popularity, these apps carry risks—particularly for budding teens and young adults who are still learning how to navigate the internet and digital relationships.

In order to give your child the best guidance, you need to understand what platforms they are using and how those apps work—including their privacy settings, age requirements, and the kind of information that is shared. Armed with that knowledge, you can set appropriate boundaries and educate your child on the risks and best practices for online safety. 

3. Explain the risks

Explain the risks of online activity

Once you understand how your kids engage online, you can better address the specific risks involved.

Talk to your kids about these risks (as developmentally appropriate). By outlining the dangers and consequences of certain behaviors, you can help your children understand not only what they should do, but why.

As you discuss internet safety, consider teaching your children about the following:

  • Privacy issues: Oversharing personal information or details could put you at risk for identity theft or embarrassment. 
  • Harassment or bullying: Many apps and social platforms make it easy for kids and adults alike to participate in bullying behavior—whether that’s spreading gossip, sharing others’ private content (like sensitive photos), or writing hurtful comments. 
  • Reputation management: What happens on the internet doesn’t just go away. Things that happened online years ago could come up again later in life, such as during college applications or job interviews.  

Explain that because of these risks, you will be setting certain rules and guidelines for how the family uses the internet. 

4. Set expectations 

As with other areas of parenting, internet use in your household should have clear guidelines based on your family values and each kid’s maturity level. Setting limits isn’t always easy—especially if you are parenting a teenager—but it is important to be open and honest about what you expect of them and how they will be held accountable.

The exact limits you set will depend on your child’s age and maturity. Keep in mind that you will likely need to revisit your “house rules” with the family periodically as your children grow and they adopt new technology (e.g., upgrading to a smartphone).

If parents are living apart and children are living in two different households, make sure both of you are on the same page setting consistent ground rules in each home.

In addition to time limits, consider outlining basic dos and don’ts of online behavior. These might include:

  • Never share passwords, addresses, or other private information over the internet.
  • Don’t illegally download content.
  • Don’t download unknown files from the internet (or ask an adult to check potential downloads).  
  • Avoid accepting friend requests or messages from strangers.
  • Never set up a meeting with someone you’ve only talked to online.
  • Be respectful; remember that online anonymity isn’t an excuse for bullying or other meanspirited behavior.
  • Don’t share friends’ information or content without permission. 
  • Always sign out of accounts when using public computers. 

Sit down with your children and explain your expectations and map these guidelines in a formal family media use plan.

Teaching your kids about internet safety and good habits online takes time and patience. It is not a one-off event but an ongoing conversation. As you stay involved in their lives—both online and offline—you will be able to guide them more effectively and help them develop into successful digital citizens.  

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