Category: Parenting

7 Ways to Cope with Braces as a Teenager

teens coping with braces

Getting braces can be a huge deal for many teenagers. It can affect you both physically and emotionally. There is an adjustment period that you must ride through. There will be food restrictions and you may have some speech issues as your mouth adjusts to braces.

From your child’s first check up at the dentist to possible wisdom teeth removal at the dentist, proper oral care is a process through our entire lives.  One of those things that many children face is the need for braces.  Here are 7 tips for braces that will help you navigate this journey as a teenager.

Embrace the Braces

Braces are quite common amongst teenagers but that doesn’t mean you would necessarily feel comfortable with having them. The first step in coping with braces is to accept them whole-heartedly. If you look around, you will notice quite a few people who have braces. This should help you feel less conscious about them.

However, if you still feel embarrassed by your braces, draw attention away from your mouth. For example, skip the lip gloss that will draw attention to your teeth, get a new haircut, put on cool accessories, or go for trendy eyewear. 

Focus on the End Goal

Getting braces as a teenager can seem like the end of the world and cause anxiety. What can help is focusing on the end goal – which is to have straighter teeth and a better smile.

Ask your dentist for an approximate end date. If you know when the braces will come off, you will focus more on the end date than anything else. It will help you realize that braces won’t be on your teeth for as long as you would imagine.

Schedule Regular Dental Appointments

Regular appointments with the dentist will help in tackling various issues that you might have.

Your braces can make you prone to plaque and tartar accumulation between your teeth. You may need dental cleaning to clear them off. Regular dental appointments will help in keeping your teeth clean and tackle issues like tooth sensitivity, bad breath, or cavities.

Consider Painkillers

Over-the-counter medication helps in relieving some pain. Ask your dentist to prescribe you some if necessary. However, keep the use of painkillers to a minimum. Take them only when the pain becomes unbearable.

Follow the directions for the painkiller you are taking. If you rely heavily on painkillers, there will be side-effects. Take the dosage as per your age and weight.  

If your dentist appointments are painful, you can take one painkiller before your appointment. Inform your doctor about the same.

Apply Dental Wax

The brackets of the braces can rub against your lips or cheeks. This can be quite irritating and painful.

To avoid this from happening, use dental wax to create a barrier between your braces, and lips and cheeks.

Roll a small piece of wax to make a small ball. Cover the area that is irritating your mouth by flattening the wax over the metal. Even if it comes off and you swallow it by mistake, don’t worry as it is non-toxic.

Request for Invisalign

If braces are an option that you just do not want to consider, ask your parents if you can opt for Invisalign.

They are much less noticeable than metal braces but equally effective. Due to their transparency, Invisalign is becoming a popular choice amongst teens.

Check with an orthodontist if you are the right candidate for Invisalign. You may need some adjustment before they are fitted.

Understand What to Avoid Eating

There are certain foods that you should absolutely avoid when you have metal braces. Sticky foods and hard, crunchy foods top that list.

Sticky foods like gummy bears, caramel, licorice, and chewing gums are an absolute no-no as they can get stuck between the brackets. Taking them off would almost be impossible.

Hard foods such as nuts, apples, corn on the cob, and candy must also be avoided. The hard foods can bend the braces wire, break a bracket or even pop it off. Moreover, hard foods will make your mouth sore.

Maintain Oral Hygiene

The final and most important things to do is maintain good oral hygiene. This will help in preventing dental issues like cavities and tooth decay. Brush and floss after every meal. This will wash away the debris and prevent bad breath too.

Well, now you know how to prepare for braces. Just follow these tips and the braces will come off before you know it.

Author Bio:

Emily Taylor found the perfect fit for herself as the Online Marketing Manager at Thurman Orthodontics in Fresno CA as she believes that a great smile does more than just make a person look great – it makes them feel great as well. The power of a smile has always been a mystery to Emily, and she loves researching and writing about it. She writes about everything to do with a healthy bite and a beautiful smile – whether is it ways to achieve it or the importance of it in the various aspects of life. What brings a big smile on Emily’s face is her family and surfing. She also likes to bake, and her children and co-workers call her the cookie fairy!

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How to Inspire Our Kids to Love Reading!

Inspring Kids to Love Reading

As parents, we want to do everything we can to make sure our kids have good reading skills. We entrust our children to the school system a few hours each weekday but are fully aware that what we do at home is just as important, if not even more vital to developing good reading habits. Sounds good right?

But there is one problem. I used the work ‘habit’ when referring to our desire to inspire kids to love reading. The problem is, a focus on developing good reading habits is the wrong goal. On it’s own, it won’t be enough.

Don’t misunderstand. Healthy habits can make it easier for any of us to do things we may not particularly feel like doing on any given day. But to inspire a love for reading is to instill the passion needed to fuel a lifestyle that ‘always includes reading’.

The infographic below gives some great tips on how to set the stage for kids of any age to begin a journey into a lifelong passion for reading. They go hand in hand with good resources that enable parents to do more than just laying a solid foundation. Setting our kids up for success is only the beginning.

Instilling a Passion for Reading in Kids

It’s quite natural for kids desire bedtime stories, but there is a definite point in early child development when their own passion needs needs to take over. This is necessary in order for them to begin a lifelong habit of reading on their own. It’s an important step in a child’s speech and language development. It’s easy to say “less screens and more books” but how does a parent begin to instill a passion for reading early on? This is a

Exploring basic steps to build a foundation of education through reading…

  1. Of course, we all know we should read to our children from a very early age, but try to work times for reading into other parts of the day other than just a bedtime. This shows children how fun reading and fun it can be anytime they wish, not just in order to delay having go to sleep.
  2. When kids want to watch TV, offer to read them a book instead following by playing a game. This teaches a fun balance or activities.
  3. Bring kids to the library regularly so they can explore and pick books that appear interesting to them. If they don’t like a book, affirm that it’s ok to try and find something they like to read.
  4. Model reading by having kids read their own books along side you when you are reading yours. You may not be an avid reader, but setting times to read together with your child may help them develop a love for reading that you were not taught.
  5. Don’t stop reading to your child after they’ve learned to do it on their own. You can also take turns reading alternate pages of a book with them.

Room for Kids to Explore Safely

There are so many other tips and strategies to raising kids that love to read. It builds a solid foundation for learning. The Internet is one of the greatest resources for kids to access interesting articles or even books, no matter where they are. This is why providing a safe online environment that protects kids while searching the internet is vital, so that kids can freely explore all the positives the web has to offer.

The Benefits of Reading

Reading has many benefits for children of all ages! From toddlers to seniors, the hidden benefits of reading can have a substantial effect on us all. For example, reading can boost your communication skills, as it helps you to understand other perspectives and makes structured conversations easier to maintain. Additionally, reading helps keep the brain active, leading to a slower cognitive decline as you age and an improved memory that comes from the need to remember certain plot points. There has even been research that proves reading can lead to a happier, more satisfied life!

Reading also has surprising benefits on our health. While you read, your body is able to relax completely, reducing muscle tension and lowering your heart rate. These effects in the body help to lower stress levels and equip you to better deal with the stresses of everyday life. To further benefit your mental and physical health, you should start including reading in your bedtime routine. Abandoning your devices in favor of reading for around 30 minutes before bed, you will signal to your brain that it is time for bed, so you can start to wind down, relax and get a satisfactory nights rest.

In short, the benefits of reading are undeniable on both children and adults. There are even studies that show people can live longer if they read as little as 30 minutes per day! So, how can you get your child to enjoy reading?

Early Literacy

Early literacy is vital to child development and lifelong learning. Yet, there is a literacy gap in our world that makes it that much more difficult for kids to get the jump start they need. In any situation, kids need all the help they can get.

We’ve listed some fun and creative ways to teach kids to read.  These methods are also about inspiring our kids to want to read. It’s about instilling passion so they have a life long desire to seek out books they enjoy.  Another way parents and teachers can help is by introducing children to books they can identify with. This can include authors that have a common upbringing or common ethnicity.

What is your child interested in? Is is fantasy, science fiction? Do they want to be a veterinarian when they grow up or a fireman? Search online with your child about topics they may be interested in. Then take them to the library regularly to exploration a world of themes, ideas and authors from all walks of life.

While early literacy is important, it’s never too late to get started.

Reading Resources for Parents!

Another valuable learning strategy to encourage new readers is to teach your child alphabet recognition.  This can begin from very early ages to better prepare them for when it’s time to begin reading. Getting to know letters will give kids a jump start even when you are reading to them from storybooks.  Children will not only follow the pictures but also begin recognizing the letters on the page as you read.

Being well read helps kids be creative writers too.  Here are some easy ways to improve your child’s creative writing skills.

Interaction with other human beings through sight, sound and touch creates those first important bonds. This grows into communication beyond the sense into language. This is why access to online educational tools is so important. Research has actually shown that early literacy first begins through play. Before language. For kids to excel in school from an early age, that “play” needs to soon develop into a love for reading.

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Healthy Ways To Feed Your Kids

Healthy Ways To Feed Your Kids

With eLearning on the rise, it’s important to keep our kids’ brains moving. Doing so will help them to perform at their best given the challenges eLearning can present. It will also help them relax as they spend more time at home. Healthy eating can help in many other ways as well.

Health agencies, childcare organizations, and child-friendly brands always remind parents and guardians to encourage kids to eat nutritious foods. For instance, the World Health Organization (WHO) sets child nutrition guidelines, and The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend a healthy eating pattern for people aged two years and above.

Now more than ever, parents must ensure that their children are taking nutrient-dense foods to ensure they grow healthy, strong, and happy. But many parents face a struggle in feeding healthy foods to their children. Luckily, food experts like Serenity Kids share valuable information with parents online, such as choosing healthy snacks for picky eaters.

Since children are getting out less, their immune system is vulnerable. During winter months, we receive less Vitamin D, exercise less, and can even go a little stir-crazy. With nutrient-packed meals and snacks, your children can be a little more at ease in their new, but still temporary, full-time environment.

Furthermore, this is a great time to get creative in the kitchen. Choose foods that stimulate child development. Select ingredients wisely and be careful not to frivolously fill your shopping cart with just any food. Make a list, and limit the number of times you visit the grocery store to prevent bringing back the virus to your children.

You can also make a menu list, food journal, or cheat sheet that includes valuable information about your children’s special food preferences. Take note of the healthy food recipes you cook that they like the best, allowing you to create more versions and serve them the next time without boring your kids.

Additionally, read or watch cooking techniques and recommendations from chefs, nutritionists, and pediatricians, and note them in your journal. This can help you learn creative ways to make vegetables, fruits, grains, and other nutritious foods look interesting and appetizing. That way, you can improve your food preparation skills and boost your children’s healthy eating patterns.

Tasty meals can help fade the negative stigma most children have surrounding nutritional eats, and can even go on to make them prefer fruits and vegetables rather than being resilient to them. Here’s what you can do:

When cooking at home with your kids, be intentional about meal prepping and portion control. It’s best to avoid highly processed snacks such as cookies, crackers, chips, and canned foods containing high-sodium and high-fructose corn syrup. Bake your own sweets using natural ingredients.  Low-fat popcorn and nuts make great mid-day snacks; and for dinner, pairing pasta or rice with a protein, such as fish, can fill your little ones’ bellies for much longer.

Lastly, be aware of the “Pandemic Pantry,” the list of items shopped are stockpiling. These include canned foods, hand sanitizer, toilet paper, and bottled water. Buying a water filter can help alleviate the purchasing of bottled water, and given the recent governmental policies, we need not fear being disconnected from your water supply while under quarantine – even if bills begin to pile up.

Taking the opportunity to show your kids healthy eating habits can benefit them now, and also influence them to continue a great diet post-quarantine. If you read the infographic below, you can gain more information on how to eat healthy. Take care, be safe, and enjoy your extra family time.

Healthy Eating Under Quarantine

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How Can You Make Your Child Mentally Strong?

Your Child Mentally Strong

As we all know, life is full of ups and downs. This is what makes it essential for us to become mentally strong at a young age so that we can deal with whatever life throws at us, no matter how difficult. So why not get started with our kids?

If we allow our children to run away from challenges, failures, and disappointment, then we will be fostering negative qualities and personality traits that will hinder the child mentally as they progress from a toddler right through to adolescence. Facing such things will help them become self-esteemed and mentally strong.

Unfortunately, it’s quite challenging to raise your child in this way but fear not. We have compiled a list of some helpful tips to get you started!

Let Your Child Make Mistakes

Making mistakes is one of the inevitable things in life. You may have heard this phrase, ‘To err is human.’ This applies to kids too.

As a parent, you should let your kids make mistakes and then turn these mistakes into learning opportunities. Instead of yelling at them when they make blunders, you should speak to them and help them avoid repeating these mistakes.

Undoubtedly, mistakes are the most excellent teacher in life. Make sure that you teach them how to learn from these opportunities, and this will go a long way toward them becoming mentally strong and living a better life.

Encourage Your Child Face Fears Head-On

Every child has his/her own fears. If your child gets scared of something, he/she will most likely try to avoid it in the future. Being a parent, you should help your kids to have a positive attitude and face fears with confidence.

Cheer up your kids, their efforts, and help them become fearless and self-developed. If you encourage your kids to handle their fears and concerns in the correct way, they will gain confidence and develop mental tenacity that will serve them well into later life.

Make Gratitude a Priority

We all know that life is full of disappointments. But, parents should teach their kids to appreciate their blessings rather than dwelling on the negative. As a parent, you should encourage your kids to be grateful for the things they have.

Gratitude can boost their mood and help them become mentally strong. Teach your kids to turn their negative self-talk to positive ones. Your kids will focus on problem-solving and become optimistic by changing their perception of adverse situations and unfavorable results.

It would be a good idea to find some videos for kids, focusing on the importance of gratitude. You can show some of these videos to help them develop a deeper understanding of the benefits of practicing gratitude.

Create Personal Responsibility for Them

Accepting personal responsibility helps us in gaining and maintaining mental strength. It’s a requirement that we abide by our own moral compass and keep ourselves accountable for our actions, both good and bad. Your kids should learn to become responsible for their own actions, too.

As a parent, you should teach them to accept responsibilities – don’t let them put the blame on others to hide their flaws.

Teach Emotion Regulation Skills

In order to build up children’s mental strength, they should understand their negative emotions like anger, sadness, and jealousy. By understanding their feelings and emotions, you can teach them how to deal with uncomfortable emotions when they arise.

If your child feels angry, for example, you should try and help your child to understand this emotion so that they can identify it in themselves and stop it in its tracks a lot sooner. Of course, this is easier said than done, but it will undoubtedly get better with age.

Teach them to go for a walk or take some deep breaths to boost their mood. This will increase their confidence level and will promote a more rational state of mind.

Teach Proper Discipline

Teaching proper discipline to your child will best set them up for the stern challenges that life will throw their way. After all, they can’t have it all their own way when they grow up, so why should they now?  There is the possibility they will also need to learn responsibility and independence while away from home.

An ill-mannered toddler may not make good choices in life as he/she may not know how to deal with challenges, particularly rejection.

Be A Role Model For Your Kid

Far too often, parents operate with a “Do as I say, not as I do” attitude to parenting. This rarely works.

You must show your child how to be mentally strong and demonstrate the best ways to develop mental tenacity. As a parent, you should talk to your toddler about your goals and show them how you are dealing with the challenges coming in your way. Make mental strength a priority in your life and encourage your kid to follow the same.

Teach Your Kids the Importance of Character

In order to become mentally strong, one should have a strong character with a sense of morals and values. As a parent, it is advisable to create new opportunities for your children. Once your children learn morals and values, they will become capable of making good choices in life rather than giving up because of difficult situations.

Things to avoid

  • Don’t be overprotective
  • Avoid comparison between siblings
  • Don’t ignore what your child is trying to say
  • Don’t expect perfection from your toddler

It takes a lot of effort, energy, and a positive attitude to raise a mentally strong toddler. It’s not as simple as telling them to calm down when they are upset by sitting in the corner with a nice cup of green tea. You MUST be their role model, their leader. Set yourself as an example. It is essential to teach them these lessons mentioned in the article to give yourself the best chance of raising a well-mannered and mentally strong human being.

Read about the 10 memory games to check your mental strength.

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