What Age Should You Give Your Kids Cell Phones?

What Age Should You Give Your Kids Cell Phones

Over the past few decades, cell phones have gone from a luxury to a necessity for most people. The age that people start to get cell phones gets younger each year. If your child is around the age of 10, you’ve probably started having the conversation about what age is appropriate for them to have a cell phone.

While there’s no perfect age to give your child a cell phone, there are some factors that can help you decide. Understand the risks and best practices before making the purchase.

What’s the Best Age to Get a Child a Phone?

Your child can own a smartphone anywhere from 10 to 14 years old. According to Common Sense Media, 42% of children own a phone by age 10. By 14, the number increases to 91%.

The pressure to own phones intensifies once kids enter middle school and parents worry their kids may feel left out if their peers have phones. Many parents will give into the pressure, but you should think about what’s best for your child first.

Sixth grade is a common age to start discussing proper phone usage. This is the age when your child’s friends may start getting cell phones, so you should be aware of that. You can start teaching your child about digital safety and responsibility to prepare them before actually giving them a phone.

However, at that age, children are not always responsible enough to take care of their possessions and use technology responsibly. If you’re worried about your child misusing a phone, consider waiting until they are 13 or older. Giving them a phone as they enter high school can allow you to be in contact with them when they have more freedom.

The Risks of Early Phone Ownership and Usage

Owning a smartphone earlier than suggested can bring several risks. Before buying a new phone, ponder on these potential downsides your child might experience.

Constant Distraction

Phones distract kids and adults from what matters, such as family quality time, homework and sleep. Additionally, it can be distracting for children with ADHD, who may find it more challenging to resist the stimulation.

Poorer Academic Performance

Unhealthy smartphone use can contribute to decreased academic performance. It may happen when a child finds watching YouTube videos or video-chatting with their friends more important than doing homework or sleeping early.

Compromised Privacy

Giving your little one phone access at an early age can make them susceptible to scams where their personal information is collected. Since young children haven’t developed proper judgment yet, they may give their location to a stranger pretending to be their parent’s friend.

Distorted Self-Perception

Smartphone ownership means exposure to social media. Many students are on social media platforms, with 94% of older students reporting using them daily.

While that number decreases in younger age groups, it doesn’t mean they’re immune to the perfectly curated images on Instagram, TikTok and Facebook, which can lead to feelings of inadequacy. Young kids with phones will be exposed to unrealistic beauty standards, photo filters and influencer culture, pushing them to mimic others rather than being themselves.

The Benefits of Having a Phone at the Right Age

Consider the following benefits before making a smartphone purchase for your child:

  • Academic support: A smartphone can provide them with apps that help them succeed at school, like Duolingo.
  • Improved social relationships: Children with smartphones can contact friends and loved ones outside school, allowing them to foster friendships and improve social skills.
  • Sense of responsibility: Having a smartphone can teach your child how to care for their belongings.
  • Tech skills: Exploring a phone’s features exposes a kid to the wonders of technology, helping build their confidence as they understand how to navigate the gadget.

How to Teach Child About Proper Smartphone Usage

A child new to a smartphone won’t understand how to use the gadget properly without someone showing them first. Implement these strategies for smarter smartphone usage.

Implement Gadget Breaks

Almost 60% of teenagers who use technology in their bedrooms experience sleep problems. Not getting enough rest can negatively affect a child’s mood management, immune system and grades. Implementing gadget breaks at specific times — such as dinner time and family activities — is an easy way to mitigate these drawbacks. Set ground rules and the consequences of breaking them.

Responsible Content Sharing

Warn your child against forwarding or creating content, emails, or text messages that might harm others and themselves. You should also remind them not to share personal information on websites unless they have your permission.

Use Parental Controls

iPhone and Android devices have parental control settings to help you monitor content, restrict applications, see your child’s location and set screen time limits, providing an extra layer of protection for your kid.

Be a Smart Parent in The Smartphone Era

Whatever the age you give your child a smartphone, you must teach them proper phone usage and ensure they’re using it responsibly. Your kid learns a lot from observing closest to them, so ensure you model proper phone usage.

Cora Gold - Editor in ChiefAuthor bio:  Cora Gold is the Editor-in-Chief of women’s lifestyle magazine, Revivalist. She strives to live a happy and healthy life with her family by her side.
Follow Cora on Facebook and LinkedIn.

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