Want to preserve the memories with your newborn? Here are some ideas

Want to preserve the memories with your newborn?

Every new parent wishes to engrave the memories of childbirth and the next few milestones within their heart. After all, children grow up so fast, and all the sweet and innocent memories become blurry in a blink.  Some do it by making vlogs or clicking pictures on their smartphones. However, there are way better options to keep these memories close.

So, let’s know those here and explore ideas of how to preserve those fleeting moments with your newborn.

1. Make a keepsake box

Keepsake boxes store the little pieces of tangible memories from your baby and your time together. A few things to add to this box are:

  • Your and your baby’s hairlocks
  • Both of your hospital bands and hat
  • Arrival cards from your loved ones for the baby
  • Ultrasound photos and other photos post-birth

2. Sign up for a newborn photoshoot

Newborn baby portraits are one of the sweetest ways to keep memories of these precious moments. While you can take pictures with your camera, consider doing it with a professional. This ensures that you have great quality and aesthetic pictures.

If you’re in Canada, look up the best places for newborn photography. Before you get an appointment, ensure they are the best in the industry so you get the worth of your money!

Discuss what safety measures they take, their time limits, the props they’ll use, and whether they provide basic food and warm space for you and your baby.

You can hang these portraits at home, stick them in scrapbooks, or use the images for announcements and invitations.

3. Record video diaries

A baby’s birth comes with many new milestones, so record them as videos immediately. It can be your feelings and thoughts in the labor room, your emotions while first seeing and holding your child, or the first time you successfully fed your child.

It can also include the first time your baby says mama/papa, their first step, their first time meeting siblings and pets, their first art or writing, and so on.

Compile all of these records and create a full video out of it. Once your baby grows up, they’ll know how much you cherish them.

4. Send emails or letters to your baby

If you have a way with your words and are tech-savvy, carve your warm emotions into words and email your baby.

For this, create an email ID for the newborn. Make sure you save the password and other credentials safely.

Write about your life experience during the first week with them. Share how they were as a newborn, how you dealt with every setback, and add every memorable instance.

If you’re not good with technology, write letters and store them in a box.

How to preserve those fleeting moments with your newborn.

5. Plan a time capsule

If you’re unfamiliar with a time capsule, it’s a box with memories and letters to a person that must be opened at a special future date.

In your baby’s time capsule, add all the little things like childhood family photos, letters, warm wishes from everyone, greeting cards, and clothing items that they can’t use anymore.

You can also add a detailed record of what happened on the day they were born. Some parents even add current events, like gas and food expenses, the weather, and their mood on the child’s birth date.

Lastly, talk to your partner and pick a day for your child to open the box. It can be middle or high school graduation or when they move out of home for a job or college.

6. Baby Scans

Before your baby is even born, you can get a baby scan at various stages throughout the pregnancy.

These scans are often done to offer peace of mind as your baby grows, but the images rendered are also yours to hold as treasured keepsakes.

Pregnancy scans can mark dates, show growth progress, reveal gender and even produce 3D and 4D images.

7. Get the details on wooden blocks

On wooden blocks, get these details about your baby carved or painted:

  • Their name
  • Their birth date and time
  • Their weight and height after birth

This can be kept as a keepsake on your shelf. Or, you can let your baby play with these blocks as they grow.

8. Utilize outgrown clothes

You get so many cute clothes for your baby. But these little buggers outgrow them pretty fast.

Most people either give away clothes as hand-me-downs or donations. However, about 85% of donated outfits are dumped in landfills or incinerated.

So, you can instead make a cute blanket or stuffed animals out of them for your baby. Make the best out of every little thing you have!


Remember, these are only a few unique ways to make memories. So, don’t hesitate to come up with your unique idea or seek loved ones for it!

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