6 Vital Lessons To Learn from Positive Parenting

6 Vital Lessons To Learn from Positive Parenting

Becoming a parent is no easy task. Parenthood is one of life’s most challenging and giving endeavors that few face without much doubt and worry. All parents want to give their children the best possible upbringing and provide them with love, confidence, and a skill set that prepares them to face the world.

Almost all parents seek some kind of guidance on how to fulfill their role as a parent in the best possible way. A popular choice for many is attending a positive parenting program that guides parents to be their best based on a specific positive parenting approach. It’s commonly known as triple p (positive parenting program). If you want to know more about positive parenting, you can start out by learning about six vital lessons.

1. The importance of attention and physical affection

One of the most essential and fundamental things to remember as a parent is that every child needs a lot of attention and physical affection from their parents. It’s absolutely vital for your child to develop a strong sense of self and a feeling of love. If your child wants your attention while you’re doing something else, most times, you should stop what you’re doing and listen to them.

This focus on your child will make them feel loved. They will get a sense that their words, thoughts, and feelings matter.  In addition to that, you should remember to give your child plenty of hugs and cuddles. Physical affection is a crucial element for developing a strong sense of self.

2. Remember to praise them

Another thing to keep in mind is praising your child. A parent’s opinion, acceptance, and recognition are central for every child. Praise them when they’re showing you something they made or doing something good. Don’t forget to praise them for their efforts, not just for their achievement.

Tell them when they’re doing something you’d like more of. And, of course, remember to acknowledge them just for being the wonderful child they are. They should know you are pleased with them without them having to do anything to deserve it.

3. Set boundaries and clear rules

Regardless of your parenting style, many parents struggle to set boundaries and clear rules for their children. Often, it’s done out of love, but it is actually a terrible idea. When you set boundaries with your child, they know what to navigate. They have a clear sense of what they’re allowed to do and not.

They also learn to set their own boundaries, an essential skill to develop early on. So, it becomes more than protection. It empowers them for life to set boundaries for themselves for their own well-being.

4. Keep calm when they misbehave

When they do misbehave, as all children do, it’s vital that you model calmness. Be consistent when telling them to stop doing something but tell them with composure and lovingly. Instead of getting mad and scolding them, tell them what you’d like them to do. Remember to praise them if they stop misbehaving when being told to.

No parent is perfect. Sometimes children are neglected when you get busy. But the last thing you want is for your child to act out just to get a rise out of you. Good parenting is a daily process of correcting your mistakes and doing better.

5. Create a safe, positive learning environment

The importance of attention and physical affection

Besides loving your child, a key element to being a parent is giving your child the proper skill set to venture out into the world. They’ll need to learn a lot of things throughout their childhood. This is why you should focus on creating a safe and positive learning environment at home. This will make learning fun and creative instead of a tedious and undesired activity. It will make it much easier for them to gain new skills and develop a positive attitude toward themselves and their abilities.

You can create a safe calm space each for kids to concentrate on their homework. Kids may feel more comfortable doing homework close to you, such as at the kitchen table. In these situations, turn off the TV and remain quiet while reading a book. This will make them more apt to ask you for help when needed.

6. Take care of yourself and have realistic expectations

Too many parents forget to care for themselves when they become a parent. Most have high expectations of themselves, and time and energy are scarce. This often leads to a neglect of oneself and one’s needs. This is never a good idea. To be the best possible parent and role model for your child, it’s important to set realistic expectations of yourself and prioritize your own needs and wants as well.

Create margins in your life to allow for unexpected situations.  These situations may be created but your children.  When you create space in your own life, you are able to step in and give them your undivided attention.  Following the guides set by the positive parenting program can improve parenting skills, and realistic expectations can be set to gain the most out of the triple p process.

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