How to Make Sure Safety of Kids in School is a Priority

Kids Safety at School

From the outside world, the definition of safety is undoubtedly simple- The state in which conditions leading to physical, psychological, and material harm of individuals is prevented and controlled.  Meaning, safety is key to maintaining a properly functioning environment of any workplace, and school safety is not exceptional.

For kids in schools, their safety couples a safer learning and playing environment.

However, for many kids, it’s not always easy to access positive academic and playing surroundings. Discrimination by other kids, violence, theft, bullying, and fear of infractions—all of which threaten your kids’ safety.  Add to the fact that some kids live in unfavorable conditions from home resulting in psychological instabilities where support at schools becomes vital.

Before we discuss the tips for kid’s safety, here are some considerations to have in mind:

  • The school safety measures should protect kids from violence, bullying, theft, threats, exposure to weapons, and substance abuse on and off the school grounds.
  • Safety is just more than physical attributes. It’s to ensure kids eat healthy meals, play well, study, and can explore the use of technology.
  • Also, it’s about ensuring kids are safely picked up after school with the right or approved persons—all of which should be the concern of both the parents and teachers.

Now, here are some tips to ensure the safety of your kids in school.

Have a plan for injury prevention

You may agree with me that most injuries by kids are fall-related or pedestrian-related crashes, which are preventable. Controlling or modifying your child’s environment is a top priority. In other words, be mindful of where your kids’ play. This includes ensuring your school is adhering to standards for playground safety.

But how can you do that?

Understand the school’s surrounding and ensure there is no harmful equipment on the playgrounds to prevent any unnecessary injuries. In cases where there is construction going on within the school premises, ensure you provide a helpful guide so that the kids stay safe from dropping objects.

Also, during their sports and recreation times, ensure the kids are wearing the proper protective gear to decrease their risk of injuries. Remind them of the rules of the game and that they must watch out for others so as to not cause injury to others.  Needless to say, kids need to also be prevented from hurting others intentionally, including when they may lose their temping in the heat of the moment.

First Aid Protocols

Complete prevention of your child being hurt is something no one can guarantee. But, you can be ready to help if injuries occur with a little planning and ensuring the right resources are in place. Therefore, you must ensure there is a protocol to provide medications and first aid services to treat injured kids.

Some kids will be on medications, which means they may need to carry their medicines to school.  School administrators and teachers need to be notified so they are aware of these prescriptions to also ensure they are kept away from other children.

It is important to remain vigilant and ensure the kids are aware of their medicines so there’s no chance of mixing if they are taking more than one. For safety purposes, explain to them why they should only take medications as directed.

Be aware of the kid’s food allergies

Individuals with food allergies and compromised immune systems effected by certain foods should know what to do if they accidentally ingest food that can cause harm.  Some of the allergies will cause swelling, itching, fainting, among other serious effects.

With the allergy status of the kids in mind, you must let the kids check with you first before they take any food that has not been given to them in their lunch. Teachers should be aware and remind kids to be conscious of any allergy they have and ensure safety measures are in place.

Additional thought should be given to child allergies in general and ensure your school’s first aid kit contains sufficient antihistamines, as well as albuterol for asthma attacks.

Teach and warn kids on the effects of conflict

Sure, conflict is inevitable. It is part of most relationships, and children are not exempt.  Schools should have programs in place to teach kids about the potential dangers of fighting or even the slightest aggressive behavior against one of their classmates.

Better still, remind older kids of how much physical power that have over those who are smaller than them.  Instead of lashing out, report to their teachers when they are wronged or physically abused themselves. Finally, teach the kids the best way of resolving their differences without fighting. Let them know fighting can result in hurting themselves as well.

Ensure a flow of the essentials

In this case, the basic essentials would be enough water supply, as well as proper and sufficient food. How your kids eat today would be of significant impact on their future. So, beyond the basics serious thought should be given to ensure each child has access to healthy foods.   For parents, it starts with healthy lunches.  For schools, it involves being aware of children in school who may not be getting adequate and healthy food at home.  Be aware of deficiency diseases.  Kids should also be taught about how proper diet and nutrition is crucial for their mental and physical growth.

Traffic Safety

Does you school have traffic lights?  Is there a need for hired crossing guards?  Or, will volunteer’s be sufficient?  These are questions schools must access to meet the individual traffic risks within their community. There are plenty of examples of injuries happening because a driver is in a hurry and they simply refuse to slow down. But the treat is not just speeders.  Even a slow speeds, a car can be deadly. Take time to consult with local law enforcement to find the right fit to ensure safety of parents and children alike at all points of the school where pedestrians and cars intersect.

Final Word on Safety

Maintaining kids’ safety should be the topmost priority to both parents and teachers in and out of schools. Therefore, each school must ensure they tolerate zero theft, bullying, violence, and discrimination of kids to enhance their safety.

Besides, parents and teachers must also ensure they help the kids understand their surroundings, provide the essentials like water and food, and provide medications and first aid services. Most importantly, put injury prevention plans in place and ensure protection against unfavorable weather conditions.

Stay Safe!

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