Part 3! Creative Scams and How They Compromise CyberSecurity

Creative Scams and How They Compromise Cyber Security

In Part 1 and Part 2 of our series on scams we have explored many of the common scams that cybercriminals use to steal our data. It may result in an instant financial loss or later down the road when you least expect it.  Some scammers simply sell your information.  Being scammed once may not effect you greatly, especially if you have secured your accounts.

However, the more information that is gathered about you can eventually result in identity theft.  At the very least, more scams will come your way. So, in our final article in this series (part 3) we look at additional scams that affect individuals and businesses alike.

Creative Scams Compromising Security

CEO Fraud

CEO fraud, also known as Business Email Compromise (BEC), has evolved from emails to text messages, tricking employees into divulging sensitive information, transferring funds, or interacting with malware.

Employees are advised not to respond to suspicious text messages that appear to be a CEO fraud attempt. Instead, it’s best to inform IT, and the impersonated executive of the incident, and then delete the message.

Cybercriminals can easily obtain personal and company information for their scams through social media networks.  Social media networks, especially those focused on business and employment, provide cybercriminals with a wealth of personal and company information.

Making social media profiles private, and being cautious about connection requests, can help protect against CEO fraud.  This reduces the amount of personal information that is publicly available and can be used by cybercriminals to carry out their scams.

BEC Scams are no longer limited to message from someone impersonating a CEO, emails may also come from fake suppliers and business associates.

Job Scams

A job scams has a very basic promise.  A scammer poses as a company that wants to hire you. They prey on the emotion that you are excited to get the job. The pay is good, and you can start right away. It may be a full time, part time, or temporary job.

Cybercriminals use the lure of work to trick job seekers into providing personal Information.

A resume plus a photo ID is more or less a complete picture of a person’s personal identity, which is what makes these types of scams so dangerous.

In order to make this scam work, cybercriminals are counting on our level of comfort in providing personal information to potential employers, as well as our motivation to earn extra cash.

These two components allow this scam to operate, so it is important to stay ware.

The Fee-Based Scam:   When a cybercriminal posing as a legitimate employer will insist that a job seeker pay a small fee for “start up” materials.​ Or they are asked to pay twenty or thirty dollars for things like training or a background check, only to have the prospective employer vanish into thin air.

For a remote salesperson job opportunity, job seekers may be asked to pay for access to a list of sales leads could never lead to a scam.

Even if a job is only temporary or seasonal, it’s important to take the time to confirm that the company is legitimate before forwarding personal information to the potential employer.

The Use of Images in Phishing Email

When most of us think about phishing email, we consider the subject line and the message that as been cleverly written to fool us. But what if there isn’t much text at all in an email.  Instead, there is an image.

Your standard phishing email doesn’t usually come with an image. Which is why a gift card phishing email that includes images looks so legitimate.

Visual marketing is just as successful in the professional world as it is in the cybercrime industry.  Visual marketing is defined as a strategy used to depict concepts that would otherwise be hard to explain through text.

To add to the confusion, 67% of scammers opt to leave the subject line empty in malicious emails. Empty subject lines are quick and easy for cybercriminals to send out and have an engaging air of mystery for the user.

Phishing emails that have blank bodies and blank subject lines are known as “blankets.” These type of phishing emails are known as “probes,” and are sent as a quick way for cybercriminals to identify active email accounts.

Scams Related to Selling Items Online

The Fake Payment, or Bogus Fund request:  It’s when a scammer poses as a buyer and asks to pay via a mobile payment app, but then sends a fake payment notification. They hope you will send the item before you notice the payment never occurred. Or the scammer will insist that they actually paid you twice and ask for a refund for one of the fake payments they sent you.

Fake Check Overpayment Scams:  A scammer will send you a check for more than the sale of your items.  They will ask you to refund back the difference.  The check you deposited won’t bounce for a few days, long after you have given the scammer your hard-earned money. They will also have the item that you were selling if you have already sent it to them.

Verification Code Scams

If you have been wise and set up multi-factor authentication for your accounts, there is a way scammers can trick you into sending them that code. It’s called the verification code scam.  They will call you pretending to be someone official associated with your account. They will say there is an issue and for it to be solved, you first need to verify yourself by sending them an authentication code.

You agree.

From there, the scammer will try to login into your account. This will trigger the code to be sent to you.  You think the person on the phone sent you the code, but it; s actually your legitimate account that the scammer is truing to clog into.

This scam can also be carried out when selling items online.  The scammer will claim to be nervous about online scams and send you a verification code. They will then ask you to send them the code, which, if you do, will allow them to open a new account linked to your phone number.

Caller ID Spoofing

We have covered phone scams in other parts of our scam series, but it’s worth noting that caller ID spoofing takes things to a new level as scammers try to get people to let their guard down when answering calls.

With online communication services like Google Voice, cybercriminals can change their area code or even their full phone number to match that of the person they are calling.  If you identify a call as spoofed, you should not answer it. When a scam call is answered, it will often lead to more calls in the future.

Caller ID Spoofing

If you do answer an unknown call that appears to be from the government, remember; employees do not call unsolicited, especially to ask for money or account information. If someone calls claiming to be a friend or family member in urgent need of money, it is recommended in this training that you proceed with caution.  Consider confirming with the person through another method of contact before taking action.

Public Wi-Fi Scams

The main security issue with public Wi-Fi is that it is public.  Their public nature becomes a tempting environment for cybercriminals, as a password given out by a barista or written on a chalkboard is the same as no password at all.

It’s important to always verify the network you are using.  Cybercriminals can set up fake or spoofed networks disguised as a public hotspot.  The spoofed network may even have a name similar to the network in question and allow you to browse normally.  However, it may send you to a fake website and ask for login or payment information.  Or it may simply spy on you.

Always verify the network you are using with a staff member and look for encryption.  Encryption, such as SSL, helps to make network connections more secure. Website should begin with https. A padlock icon also indicated that the network is secure.

It’s good practice to turning off the Wi-Fi on your mobile device when you are not actively using it. This will prevent it from automatically connecting to public networks in places you’ve visited before.

How Scams Increase Cyber Attacks

While cyber criminals are looking for a quick easy profit by scamming money directly from you, there are many other reasons why your personal information alone is of great value to them.

An email address and a password can be worth as much as $1000 on the dark web.  The information gathered in scams increase the effectiveness of cyber attacks against people and companies,

Here are a few ways just one piece of information can compromise your data many times over.

Credential Stuffing Attacks

In this this type of cyberattack a cybercriminal uses previously exposed account information across other unrelated services to try and gain access to multiple accounts.

Credential stuffing can be highly effective, as many of us who don’t use a password manager rely on the same, or similar, passwords.

Preventing a credential stuffing attack is focused primarily on not re-using passwords. Utilizing truly unique passwords across all accounts is the way to go, which is where a password manager tool can be so effective.

Credential stuffing is similar to a brute force attack, but with credential stuffing, the cybercriminal is using a password they already know.

This creates a much more targeted and successful attack if their target reuses the same, or similar, password.

Brute Force Attacks

The tools associated with a brute force attack are relatively easy for a cybercriminal to get their hands on, which makes them common.  Brute force attacks are a trial-and-error method of trying to decode a password or encryption key to access a device or account, which can also lead to a hijacking attack.

Using automated tools, cybercriminals can systematically test thousands to millions of password combinations every second. Even adding a few extra characters can help extend the overall decoding time significantly and may be enough to deter an ongoing brute force attempt.

Cybercriminals have been using artificial intelligence technology to train their tools to target passwords more efficiently by feeding it previously exposed passwords as a reference point.  By using these previously exposed passwords, mixed with our tendencies to use common passwords, cybercriminals can improve their success rate in their attacks.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of our scam series to learn specifics about how to:

  • Be alert about common scams.
  • Create unique passwords for each of your accounts.
  • Use a password manager so you don’t have to remember your complicated passwords.
  • Set up multi-factor authentication.
  • Ensure your Wi-Fi connection is secure.
  • Enable automotive updates for all devices and software installed on those devices.
  • Learn the SLAM method to prevent clicking malicious links.
  • Don’t respond to unknown texts.
  • Don’t call back anonymous phone numbers.

Part 1:  Common scams to be aware of and prepare for.
Part 2: Common scams and common sense prevention.

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Learning Beyond the Classroom: The Value of Experiential School Trips

Learning Beyond the Classroom: The Value of Experiential School Trips

Taking students out of the classroom and into the real world can be an incredibly valuable experience. Whether it’s a school trip to a museum, theatre performance, historical site, or outdoor adventure, experiential learning complements traditional teaching methods.

School trips give students the opportunity to deepen their understanding of academic topics, develop life skills, and make subject matter come alive.

Seeing Concepts in Action

Visiting places connected to topics they’re studying in school allows students to witness real-world examples first-hand. A physics class trip to a planetarium lets them observe astronomical concepts in action.

Touring an art museum alongside an art history lesson gives texture and context to movements and artists. Ancient ruins, battlefields, and residential trips to historical buildings turn textbook descriptions into tangible realities. Field trips remove abstraction and help cement classroom teachings.

Sparking Interest and Engagement

Experiencing academic concepts up close also tends to pique students’ curiosity and engagement. Seeing Shakespeare performed live often inspires a deeper appreciation than simply reading his work. Students who never showed previous interest in a subject can discover inspiration outside the classroom walls.

Even the most reluctant learners tend to enjoy school trips, finding them more exciting and memorable than sitting at their desks. This marginal increased interest can motivate them to pay more attention back in class.

Developing Critical Thinking and Perception

School trips also present valuable opportunities to practice critical thinking, perception, and analysis skills. Students must interpret what they’re seeing, draw connections to previous lessons, and distil key takeaways. Debriefing and discussions encourage them to ask questions, exchange perspectives, and articulate observations.

Rather than receiving information passively from textbooks or presentations, they must actively evaluate their surroundings. Their perceptive abilities get sharpened in the process.

Gaining Cultural Appreciation

Experiencing different cultural institutions, events, and locales expands a student’s understanding and appreciation of the arts, sciences, and humanities. They gain insight into how others live, broadening their worldviews.

Students exposed to foreign cultures often return with a greater sense of empathy, tolerance, and desire to connect across differences. Even visiting institutions close to home can increase familiarity with the cultural touchstones in their community.

Building Social-Emotional Skills

School trips require students to navigate new environments, exercise independence, collaborate with classmates, and problem-solve. These situations help develop maturity along with practical life abilities. Students must manage logistics like transportation, scheduling, packing appropriately, and following guidelines.

Teachers have opportunities to observe how students apply classroom comportment training in public spaces. Communication flourishes more freely outside the confines of school hallways. Bonds deepen as classmates share novel common experiences.

Creating Lasting Memories

On a good school trip, student chatter tends to bubble with excitement before, during, and long after. When effectively planned, trips supply some of the students’ most treasured school memories. The sights, sounds, tastes, physical encounters, and emotions get etched deeply into their minds. Years later, ask past students what they remember from their school history and they’re likely to describe their fun and educational school trips.

While sitting in a classroom has its place in education, school trips provide invaluable experiential learning opportunities. Students gain exposure to academic concepts in action, increased engagement, critical thinking practice, cultural appreciation, social-emotional skills, and memorable associations.

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The Magical World of Pokemon Plush Toys

Discovering the joy of Pokemon plush toys in everyday play.

Pokémon has been capturing the hearts of fans around the globe for decades, evolving from video games and TV shows into a beloved franchise. This fascinating world also includes a wide array of collectible items, all inspired by diverse characters that have contributed to Pokémon’s enduring popularity and cultural significance.

Among these collectibles, Pokémon-themed plush toys hold a special place, bridging the gap between the virtual world of Pokémon and the tangible joy of physical play. These soft, cuddly companions aren’t just toys; they’re a gateway to a world of imagination, bonding, and learning.

Discovering the joy of Pokemon plush toys in everyday play

With an impressive lineup of characters, each with its unique design and backstory, Pokemon plush toys appeal to a broad audience. From the fiery Charizard to the electrifying Pikachu, there’s a plushie for every type of fan, whether you’re a collector, a nostalgic adult, or a child discovering Pokemon for the first time.

High-quality fabrics and attention to detail make each plush toy not just a figure but a friend. Beyond their collectible value, these toys are educational tools, fostering creativity, storytelling and even responsibility as children learn to care for their plush friends. Engaging with these enables a personal connection to the extensive Pokemon universe. Each plush toy represents a character with its own abilities and personality, allowing fans to choose the Pokemon that resonates most with them.

Whether it’s a fierce battle reenactment or a peaceful tea party, everyday play with these plush toys enriches the lives of fans through hands-on interaction with their favorite characters.

Why Pokemon plushies capture the hearts of kids and adults alike

The charm of Pokemon plush toys transcends age. For adults, they’re a ticket back to the carefree days of their childhood, a tangible piece of nostalgia that connects generations. For kids, these plushies are comforting companions that offer a sense of security and friendship.

The emotional bond formed with these soft toys is powerful, with many fans sharing stories of how a specific Pokemon plush has supported them through ups and downs, mirroring the deep bonds trainers in the Pokemon universe share with their companions.

The universal appeal of Pokemon plushies also extends to their role as comfort objects. Many people find solace in these plush toys’ soft texture and familiar faces during stressful times, proving that they’re not just for playtime, but also for emotional support. The positive psychological effects of these toys can be profound, offering a sense of companionship and a comforting presence in both childhood and adult life.

The educational benefits of imaginative play with themed toys

Pokemon plush toys are more than just cuddly decorations; they’re catalysts for imaginative play. Engaging with these toys can enhance linguistic abilities as children narrate the endless adventures of their Pokemon. This form of play also boosts creativity and problem-solving skills as kids devise scenarios and overcome challenges.

Furthermore, Pokemon plushies facilitate social skills; through shared adventures, children learn about teamwork, empathy and the joy of friendship, mirroring the core values of the Pokemon series.

For those who admire the bigger side of the Pokemon world, giant Pokemon plushies provide an even more immersive experience. These larger-than-life companions offer all the benefits of their smaller counterparts while acting as a bold statement piece in any collection.

The Magical World of Pokemon Plush Toys

From screen to playroom: how Pokemon toys encourage offline fun

In an era dominated by screens, Pokemon plush toys offer a delightful way to engage in tactile, offline play. They encourage children to step away from digital devices and immerse themselves in physical play, whether reenacting battles, going on exploratory adventures, or simply enjoying the comfort of a soft hug.

This balance between digital and real-world play is crucial for healthy development, allowing kids to enjoy the best of both worlds.

The bonding power of collecting

Sharing Pokemon Plush Passion Across Generations

Collecting these toys can strengthen bonds between family and friends, making it a hobby that goes beyond mere accumulation. Trading stories, sharing tips for care, or even hunting for that rare plushie together can create lasting memories and foster relationships.

Moreover, collecting teaches valuable lessons about organization, preservation and the sentimental value of items, turning a fun hobby into an educational experience.

Pokemon-themed plush toys are more than mere collectibles; they are a cultural phenomenon that offers entertainment, educational value and emotional support. From enhancing imaginative play to fostering connections between people, these plushies hold a unique place in the hearts of fans worldwide.

So, whether you’re a seasoned collector or a new fan, the world of Pokemon plush toys is filled with endless possibilities and adventures waiting to be discovered.

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The Future of AI Search Engines in Combatting Misinformation

The Future of AI Search Engines in Combatting Misinformation

Previously, only librarians used keywords to search for the required literature in several available sections and aisles. Today, everyone uses keywords to search for the required information online. However, the search becomes blurred as not all links match the request. This is where generative AI in search can be very useful.

A modern and upgraded AI search engine helps not only to find information. One also gets rid of misinformation and useless links. What is the difference between traditional and AI-based search engines? How do AI-based tools recognize fakes?

The Difference Between Traditional Search Engines and AI-Based Ones

Traditionally, people start searching for something using typical words. However, the multilayer system doesn’t always work the best way. People usually get too many links. Many of them contain unrelated information. So, one spends many hours trying to find worthy information.

In 2015, AI-powered search tools made research more precise for the first time. Now, search engines lead a user to the really needed sources. It benefits from all searches a person has ever done. It connects them to provide the best user experience.

For example, if a person looks for a restaurant, an AI-based search machine will use the following data:

  • the history of previous searches
  • a user’s geographical location
  • the available information about the place from the database

Due to that, the search process stops being vague. The found information becomes more precise.

In other words, artificial intelligence “learns” a person. It makes searches more personalized. Besides, it can respond to information by analyzing images, pictures, maps, and voice commands. Such searches make things approachable and inclusive.

How Do People Create Deep Fakes?

A deep fake is the fake news people accept as the truth. It sounds and looks convincing. Its creators use AI tools to photoshop or make fake videos look credible. They take a speech of a person and put other words into his or her mouth. By using Photoshop, people alter reality. Some are so talented that their deep fakes are hard to recognize and discredit.

Today, people suffer from information wars. Instead of torturing people, politicians use deep fakes that make them change their opinion in the favor of politicians. That’s why it’s necessary to identify such news and debunk the myths. What’s the best tool against that?

Other AI-based tools. Fighting fire with the fire is the best method.

What Is the Danger of Spreading False Data?

Daily, people surf the Internet. According to DataReportal, an average person spends over 143 minutes a day on social media. They watch videos and read posts of influencers. Social media users send more than 98K tweets and 168 mln emails every minute. As one can guess, not all news is real and safe. Most made-up stories contain harmful and misleading information.

The most vulnerable audience is children. They cannot differentiate between the truth and lies. Sometimes, they even follow “dangerous” recommendations and get hurt. That’s why such social media platforms as Facebook started using AI detectors to recognize fakes. It hides some news and vulnerable content to secure its users.

What Is the Purpose of AI-Based Search Tools?

Elections would be unfair and useless if people could not trust the news. Political companies would hire AI tool specialists to create the best election campaign. However, specialists decided to prevent the spread of the fake news. So, they started using Artificial Intelligence to fight against unreal information on the Internet.

That’s why journalists start using fact-checkers. Professionals can use it for the following reasons:

  1. The first one is to identify fake photos and videos by using AI tools. They can show if the chosen fact was fabricated.
  2. The second one is about finding out the true source of the used news. Such tools help to learn if they are real.
  3. The third way is to spot the real language. Robotic texts signal fake facts.

To refute misinformation, journalists need to find several proofs. It often takes them days to surf the available sources. AI tools collect all available sources, analyze them, and provide the ones with the same roots. In other words, it lets correspondents save time on research. Instead, they get verified information that is easy to check.

Who Uses Fact Checkers?

Certain organizations use fact-checkers to investigate the existing information. They mostly explore the news that politicians post on their blogs. These tools analyze the content, including the attached videos and pictures. Fakes have specific prints and characteristics that AI-powered tools can recognize. Such tools identify possible spam, inappropriate content, and malware. How does it work?

  • First, it scans the ad or a statement.
  • Then, it analyzes speech patterns and visuals.
  • Finally, the system looks for the related data online and compares it. If there are matches, the system won’t add them to spam or fakes. If the source roots differ or if it detects falsified visuals, people will continue their research.

Another thing that AI tools do is information analysis relating to the company’s policies. If the content violates the rules of the media platform, the tool will warn about that. In this case, users turn to online support to get explanations. The responsible staff decides if to permit its publishing or not.

To conclude, AI tools help companies to sort out information. If something seems to be fake, humans continue researching. Nobody should completely depend on computer algorithms.

What Are the Best AI Search Engines?

In 2023, Google improved its search with generative AI to contextual answers to complex questions. One can also use AI tools to systematize everything and find the exact data quickly. The found information lacks false data and facts. The best tools for such research are:

One can use AI tools to systematize everything and find the exact data quickly. The found information lacks false data and facts. The best tools for such research are:

  • Guru
  • GoLink
  • Coveo
  • Elastic Enterprise AI Search
  • Algolia
  • IBM Watson Discovery
  • Glean
  • Google Search
  • AlphaSense
  • Lucidworks Fusion
  • Site Search 360

Such engines are great for intranet searches. They are exact, quick, and personalized.

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