How to Make a Family Tree With Kids

How to Make a Family Tree with Kids

Making a family tree with kids is a great way to teach them about their ancestry while helping them learn more about themselves. It can be a fun project that the whole family can work on together. Here are some tips for getting started.

Benefits of Building a Family Tree with Kids

There are many benefits to creating a family tree, such as understanding your genealogy, developing problem-solving skills, strengthening relationships, and many others.

Build a stronger sense of self-identity

Building a family tree with kids can help them develop a stronger sense of self-identity as they learn more about where they came from and what makes them unique.

Knowing where you come from is important to understanding who you are. For kids, this process of self-discovery often begins with learning about their parents and grandparents. But it can be even more enlightening for them to explore the branches of their family tree, discovering the stories and traditions passed down through the generations.

So whether you’re looking to teach your kids about their heritage or just want to bond with them over some shared history, building a family tree is a great way to do it.

Learn more about history

It is important for kids to learn about history, but making the past feel relevant to their lives can be tough. One way to do this is by teaching them about their family history. By tracing their ancestors, kids can start to see how they fit into the larger story of humanity. They can also learn about the unique challenges and experiences their ancestors faced. Additionally, exploring family trees can help kids understand the similarities and differences between their own lives and those of their ancestors. As a result, learning about family history can make the past feel more real and relevant to kids.

Build strong family relationships

As any family historian knows, building a family tree can be a rewarding experience. Not only does it help you to learn more about your ancestors, but it also encourages you to bond with your relatives. For children, this can be a particularly valuable experience. It is all too easy for children to become estranged from their extended families in today’s world, especially when there are not old family photos of many relatives. By working together to build a family tree, children can develop a sense of connection with their cousins and other extended family members. This can help to foster communication and understanding within the family.

How to Make a Family Tree

Trying to trace your family history can be a daunting task. Putting it all in a family tree is a great way to organize the information you’ve gathered.

Gather information

The first step is to gather as much information as possible about your ancestors. This includes names, hometowns, careers, achievements, and known locations. You should also try to determine the birth and death dates for each ancestor. Once you have collected this information, you can construct your family tree. Start with the oldest generation of your family and work your way down to the present. Be sure to include any spouses or children for each ancestor. If you are having trouble filling in some of the details, don’t hesitate to reach out to other family members for help.

Put your tree on paper

At a time when almost everything is done electronically, there are still some who prefer the old-fashioned way of doing things. For them, there is nothing like the feeling of holding a pencil and paper in their hands as they try to piece together their family history. While it may take a bit longer, creating a family tree on paper can be very rewarding. It allows you to physically see your progress, but it also gives you a chance to add your personal touches. Whether you choose to use colored pencils or family photos, a paper family tree can be a beautiful and meaningful addition to your home. Even if you own a computer, there is something special about having a physical record of your family’s history. Keeping a family tree on paper is the only way to go for those who value tradition.

One option is to use a family tree printable template. There are many different templates available online, and you can choose one that best suits your needs. You can also find templates specifically designed for certain countries or regions. Once you’ve found a template you like, simply print it out and fill in the information by hand. You may also want to use a pencil to erase any mistakes.

Consider family tree software

With modern computer technology, anyone can search the deep web to find people and research their ancestors to build a family tree. There are dozens of family tree software programs available, and most come with a tutorial to help you get started. Keeping your records on your computer has some advantages over traditional paper records. It’s easier to fix mistakes, and you can sort your ancestors differently.

Plus, every genealogy software package lets you print off your information on various forms and charts. But regardless of how you store your data, it’s important to back up your records regularly. If your computer crashes or you accidentally delete a file, you won’t lose all your hard work. And if possible, use an automatic online backup service to ensure that your data is always safe.

Share your tree

Once your child has completed their family tree, encourage them to share it with relatives who might have additional information or stories to add. This is a great way for kids to get excited about their family history and learn more about the people who came before them. Plus, it’s a great opportunity to connect with relatives they might not otherwise have the chance to talk to. So encourage your child to share their family tree with relatives.

Final Thoughts

Building a family tree with your kids is a fun project, but it can also be educational. It helps children learn about their ancestors and teaches them the importance of preserving family history. By following these simple steps, you can help your child create a lasting legacy treasured for generations to come.

Check out FamilySearch for more ways to get your kids involved in family history.

About the author:  Marc McDermott is a genealogist who has been blogging about the topic since 2019. His blog,, is one of the most popular resources on the internet for people looking to learn more about their family history. Marc’s passion for genealogy is evident in his writing, and he takes great joy in helping others learn more about their ancestors.

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