Category: Online Safety for Kids

5 Ways Parents Can Address Doxxing Dangers Online

5 Ways Parents Can Address Doxxing Dangers Online

Doxxing is a dangerous practice on the rise that can affect and harm many children. Parents need to be aware of this new digital danger to help keep their children safe. Doxxing is not an uncommon term, but certinaly not top of mind for most parents. Here’s all you need to know about doxxing and the steps to take to reduce the risk.

 What is Doxxing?

The act of doxxing is revealing someone’s information online. This information can be used to identify someone, such as their real name, address, bank details, employer, and more.

Crucially, doxxing is done to an individual without them knowing about it and is often done with the intent to harm or humiliate. Doxxing has become more and more common online as technology has advanced, leading to more children being put in difficult situations.

Some of the methods people use to Dox others include:

  • Tracking usernames
  • Running a WHOIS search
  • Phishing
  • Social media stalking
  • IP address tracking

Why is Doxxing Dangerous?

Doxxing can be very dangerous for your children to experience. With their information becoming public, it can lead to things such as harassment, both online and in public, as well as stalking and potentially even fraud if banking information is revealed.

As doing so has the potential to reveal home addresses, it increases the risk of predatory behaviour, which many can’t bare thinking about. As well as this, having public information exposed to followers and other internet users, especially if your children want to keep it hidden, can also lead to them being bullied online. Doxxing can also be dangerous for minorities, as they may be targeted with abuse and harassment online.

However, one of the biggest dangers surrounding doxxing is the practice of Swatting. This is where doxxed information is used by strangers to call in police or swat teams to a victim’s address, citing a fake shooting or hostage situation. This has happened to many streamers on Twitch, and swatters usually do this for their own amusement.

Linda Shaffer, Chief People Operations Officer at Checkr, says, “Being a victim of Swatting can be traumatic and potentially life-changing. Individuals have the responsibility to protect their information, but businesses like ours also need to be committed to keeping customer information safe and secure.”

As you can imagine, having a swat team arrive at your property can be a very tense and dangerous situation if you don’t know how to deal with the situation, and multiple people have been injured and even killed after being Swatted.

5 Things Parents Can Do to Protect Kids

Parents worried about doxxing need to take action. Here are a few things you can do to protect your children:

1. Educate Your Children

Education is the best preventative measure to keep your children safe from doxing. By helping them understand the dangers and methods in which they can be doxxed, they can do more online to protect themselves.

One main thing you should teach them is to understand what information they should and shouldn’t share. Make your children aware that they should never disclose information about their address, identity, and bank details if they have any, as these can all be used to cause harm.

2. Check their profiles

Parents should maintain access to their children’s profiles and accounts to monitor what type of content they’re accessing. By periodically reviewing their accounts on socials and gaming software, you’ll better understand how vulnerable they’re making themselves. If you want to limit the type of content your children can access to help them be safe from doxxing, you can also block adult content.

Another thing parents can do is run a search for their kids online. By simply searching their names on a search engine, you’ll be able to see what kind of information comes up, allowing you to see how exposed they are. This knowledge can then help you make their accounts and digital selves more secure.

3. Promote the usage of different passwords and usernames

If your children use the same passwords for all their accounts and have similar usernames across their social media and more, they are a lot easier for a doxxer to track, making them much more vulnerable.

You can keep your children more secure by forcing them to utilize different passwords and usernames. It may be a bit harder for them to remember, but this added security helps ensure they can maintain privacy. As their details are different, it means that if one account is hacked, the others should still be safe.

Use good password standards as well by creating passwords that aren’t easy to guess and contain special keys, numbers, and capitalization.

4. Mask their IP address

One of the most common ways people are doxxed online is through their IP address. These details can reveal the location of your children, compromising them, and sometimes this information can be used to reveal further details.

The best way to protect them from this is to mask your IP address. This is best done with a virtual private network (VPN). The technology of how a VPN works is complicated, but the general idea is that it connects you with a different server, meaning that your device appears to be in a different location.

Volodymyr Shchegel, VP of Engineering at Clario, says, “VPNs are one of the best security programs you can get, alongside antivirus and firewalls. It protects your IP address, making it harder for hackers and doxxers to find you. These days, VPNs are an essential bit of kit.”

5. Remove Information from Data Brokers

You’ll be frightened at how much data about your children and even yourself is available online. When your children sign up for services and accounts, their details can be stored in data brokers, who can then sell that info to businesses who use t for better advert targeting.

Thankfully, you can request that this information is removed; it’s just a bit of a hassle. Some businesses can do this service for you, but if you have the patience, you can start removing the information stored on these brokers yourself.


Doxxing is something that parents need to be aware of. As technology advances, more and more dangers emerge online, and doxxing is added to the list of other risks that parents need to help limit.

There are many things that children can do to prevent doxing from happening to them. Following the advice mentioned above should help. As the issue gets more mainstream attention, expect changes to be made so that doxxing is severely punished, hopefully discouraging the practice. For now, ensure your children are mindful online and are aware of this danger when surfing online.

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Guide for Teens to Use Youtube Safely and Tips to Start a Youtube Channel

Guide for Teens to Use Youtube Safely and Tips to Start a Youtube Channel

An increasing number of teens are not just viewing videos on YouTube but are starting their own YouTube channels. If you’re one of the many teens who are thinking about getting a new channel up and running, then it’s important to carefully consider how you’ll go about doing so – as well as ways to keep safe online.

By creating a well-thought-out plan and being mindful of the dangers of the platform, you can have fun getting your own YouTube channel set up and pulling in views.

Think About the Plan

Start by making a plan. This is a chance to get really clear on what you want your channel to offer, who the intended audience is, the type of content that will be posted, and how regularly new content will be uploaded. Now is also a good time to think about whether you’ll be open to advertising offers if the channel becomes popular.

When making a content plan, always keep at the front of your mind the basics of good digital citizenship. This includes respecting the privacy of others (and your own), avoiding posting anything that could hurt the feelings of others or cause drama, never posting your location, and remembering that anything online can be cut, pasted, altered, and used in a way you never originally intended.

Get the Tools You Need in Place

You probably won’t need much to get your new YouTube channel up and running, but video editing software is a must. This type of software can help you create high-quality, polished content with lots of interactive or other elements – meaning it’ll stand out from the crowd. Look for an option that offers widely customizable filters and visual effects, templates, and animation and audio tools.

Ultimately, video editing software will help you create engaging content that has the wow factor – which should result in lots more views and likes.

Have a Beta Launch

While it’s tempting to get your new YouTube channel live as soon as possible, undertaking a beta launch is a great idea and will ensure that any bugs or issues are ironed out before your channel is unveiled on a wider stage.

To do this, initially set very strict privacy settings in order to have a limited audience of friends and family members. Ask these trusted people for constructive criticism and advice and to let you know both what is and what isn’t working well.

Dealing with Feedback

Unfortunately, it’s inevitable that not all the feedback your YouTube channel receives will be positive, and dealing with this can be tough. It’s important to distinguish between helpful feedback that can be viewed and used as a learning experience and trolling or unpleasant comments that have simply been posted out of mean-spiritedness.

If the feedback offers advice that could help improve your channel, it’s worth carefully considering, even if it’s hard to hear. Think about making the changes suggested, or even try them out for a limited period of time, and assess the results. And remember: you can always block users who are unnecessarily rude or post generally unpleasant comments.

Consider Giving Your YouTube Channel the ‘For Kids’ Designation

You may want to apply the ‘For Kids’ designation to your new YouTube channel so that it’ll only be seen by a younger audience rather than the general YouTube viewership. A benefit of this designation is that comments are automatically disabled on accounts identified as being for children.

Staying Safe on YouTube

It’s vital that you take the steps needed to stay safe on the platform. Here are some tips to ensure that running your own YouTube channel is as safe an experience as possible:

  • Only film appropriate – this means nothing violent, sexually suggestive, or dangerous.
  • Use the platform’s privacy features to limit who can see the content you post. Check out YouTube’s Privacy and Safety Center for more information on how to do this.
  • Be mindful of getting into dangerous or uncomfortable situations – never send or accept personal messages from strangers, and speak to your parents or another trusted adult if anything happens that makes you feel upset or uncomfortable.
  • Remember the Grandma Rule before uploading content. Is the video something you’d be happy for your family members to see or even a future employer? If not, it’s time to reconsider that particular content.

Get Set to Start Your New YouTube Channel

Teens make up an important and vibrant part of the YouTube community, and setting up a new channel can be an exciting way to get creative and showcase your interests or passion. Use the guide above to help you get started and also to navigate the platform safely to enjoy the content-creation experience to the full.

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How to Teach Kids to Safely Download and Install Apps

How to Teach Kids to Safely Download and Install Apps

It is estimated that a child goes online for the first time every half second around the world.  And the number of hours children spend online is increasing dramatically.   In addition to searching the web, one of the primary ways children interact online is through apps.  The focus on secure search is now decades old, but attention to app safety is fairly new and sometimes overlooked.

Because kids mostly use smartphones and tablets these days, apps are “king”!  There are browser apps, educational apps, apps for social media and games – you can even watch television on a phone or tablet.  Never has there been a better for children to learn, imagine, and develop social skills.  Whatever the device, the tools and resources are available to ignite creativity and broaden horizons throughout the world.

Introduction to Safe App Content

Whenever young people log into social media or instant messaging platforms, they can be subjected to cyberbullying and other forms of peer violence. A child who browses the internet may come across hate speech and violent content, such as messages that incite self-harm or suicide.

Additionally, the collection of data for marketing purposes by technology companies can also pose a threat to children. Not to mention, the excessive screen time that child-targeted apps often cause can compromise the development of a child.

One “catch all” method to protecting kids online is by using parental control features like Spectrum Internet offers as part of an internet package.  However, parents still need to be diligent to ensure kids are using safe apps because once an app is installed, it’s not as easy to monitor its usage.

We have compiled these tips for you to teach kids how to safely download and install apps.

Set Clear Rules and Boundaries for App Downloads

With clarity kids make better decisions.  They feel safe and secure when they know what their boundaries are.  When it comes to seeking out the fun apps, parents need to know types of apps they are looking for.  Learn about your child’s interests and discuss options to guide them towards the various apps that are appropriate for their age.  Explain why certain apps may not be suitable and set rules for usage, including time limits and the number of apps they are allowed to download.

Encourage them to delete apps they are no longer using so that it’s easier them to manage.  Let your kids know that questions are always welcome when your child is unsure about an app.  By setting these rules and boundaries, you create a foundation for responsible app usage.

Educate About App Permissions and Privacy Settings.

One vital aspect of app safety is teaching children about app permissions and privacy settings. Explain to them why it’s important to understand and manage the permissions an app may request, such as accessing their contacts, location, or camera. Show them how to review and modify app permissions in the settings of their device.

Additionally, emphasize the significance of protecting their personal information online by instructing them to avoid sharing sensitive details in apps without your permission. By providing this knowledge, you empower your children to make informed decisions regarding their privacy. Apps used to chat with others can be especially dangerous as opposed to closed apps used for games. Predators can easily pose as children to gain information from you child.

Show How to Download Apps from Trusted Sources

Downloading apps from trusted sources is necessary to avoid potentially harmful or malicious software. Teach your kids to only download apps from reputable app stores like Google Play Store or Apple App Store.  These trusted platforms have stringent security measures in place. Explain the risks associated with downloading apps from third-party websites or unofficial sources that are not verified as being safe. Communication is key here as well.

If they have any doubts, instruct them to come to you so you can do any research needed to ensure an app download is safe.  By instilling this habit, you reduce the chances of your children inadvertently installing unsafe applications on their devices.

Teach Them How to Read App Reviews and Ratings.

App reviews and ratings can provide valuable insights into an app’s quality, safety, and appropriateness. Show your children how to read and evaluate app reviews and ratings before downloading an app.  A good way to show them this is to ask them about an app they would first like to download. Then, go through the steps you would go through to make sure everything looks legit.  Instruct them how to look for relevant information in reviews, such as comments about bugs, inappropriate content, or excessive advertising that will hamper their ability to play.

Emphasize the importance of considering multiple reviews and ratings to get a balanced perspective. By developing this critical skill, your kids can make informed decisions and avoid potential disappointments or risks associated with poorly rated apps.

Wrapping Up

There are many benefits to using the internet, including the ability to learn, shop, play games, and chat with friends.   Apps are frequently used by kids to do all of these things and more.  With convenient access to apps online comes greater risks.  With greater risks, kids need to know that they need to be responsible for their actions.

  • At the very least, parents should know what apps their kids are using and guide them to only download apps that you approve. This may not always be easy for them to do; therefore, basic education can help guide them to make smart choices.
  • For the ultimate in peace of mind, explore parental control programs that and monitor what apps your kids are downloading and time spent on them.
  • Finally, at the risk of repeating this main point, if they have any doubts let them know they can freely to ask you about a particular app, without any judgement from you.

We’ve discussed some of the ways you can protect your children from harm online when downloading and installing apps, including potentially harmful content and other online threats. We hope you found these tips helpful to ensure the utmost in safety for your family.

United Nations:  Child and Youth Safety Online

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How to Protect Children from the Dark Web

How to Protect Children from the Dark Web

The dark web is often mystified by internet users. While it mainly contains various non-indexed sites, there is a possibility to stumble across illegal services, shady shops, and explicit content. There are no dark web regulations, so the place is crawling with various cyber threats.

You need special software and tools to access this part of the internet, but curious children might find a way there. And it’s 100% not the right place for kids.

Safety Beyond the Surface: safeguarding children from the dark web

If you’re a parent, sleeping easy at night means nothing should be left to chance when it comes to our kids.  In this article, we’ll go beyond the surface and understand the risks children face, explaining what the dark web is and the dangers that lurk in the shadows. Moreover, we’ll provide some measures to protect your children from the dark web and make their online experience safer.

What is the dark web?

The dark web is a place on the internet that you can’t reach through regular search engines. It contains non-indexed pages that you can only access with anonymity-friendly Tor or similar software. As it is pretty confidential and unrestricted, it became a breeding ground for various illegal activities, including selling drugs, weapons, stolen data, counterfeit goods, and hacking tools. For that reason, it’s totally not a safe place for children.

What is the main risk on the dark web for children?

The Dark Web is notorious for its association with illegal activities. In addition, there are other things that may harm your children and their devices:

Exposure to explicit and illicit content

  • Due to its nature, the dark web is filled with age-inappropriate and often illegal content. Unintentionally, teens and kids may stumble across violent or pornographic videos and images.

Child exploitation and trafficking

  • As it is quite anonymous, malicious actors are more likely to roam freely and take advantage of unsuspecting kids. Children can become targets for grooming, exploitation, and abuse by predators operating on the Dark Web.

Cyberbullying and harassment

  • No one monitors activities on the dark web, so kids may be targeted and harassed. That can lead to emotional distress and psychological harm.

Access to illegal substances and dangerous materials

  • There are plenty of marketplaces that sell drugs, medication, guns, and illegal services. That can lead to the temptation of accessing such substances, posing risks to their physical and mental well-being.

Hacking and identity theft

  • Malicious actors, viruses, and other harmful things constantly lurk on the dark web. Kids can share sensitive data unknowingly. That could lead to financial losses, identity theft, and terrible safety breaches.

Measures for safeguarding children from the dark web

Below, you’ll find the way and online safety measures to help you safeguard your children in the digital world.

Safeguarding children from the dark web.

Teach kids about the dangers of the dark web.

The best way to circumvent dark web threats is to educate your children about it. Explain the importance of responsible online behavior and the significance of avoiding suspicious websites or engaging in illicit activities.

Additionally, teaching critical thinking skills is essential. Help them figure out how to identify and verify the credibility of online sources. Plus, point out the main characteristics of potential scams or phishing attempts. Not to mention foster a sense of skepticism and empower them to make informed decisions online.

Lastly, highlight the importance of the correct privacy settings. Let them know how to limit the visibility of personal information. Tell them about the potential dangers of sharing information on the dark web. 

Monitor online activities

Even if you do educate your children about the dangers of the dark web, their curiosity might get the best of them. Thus, they can wander off into the danger zone. For that reason, there are a few things that you can do.

For starters, you can keep an eye on your kids’ digital activities. However, it’s important to do so without invading their privacy excessively. You can check their browsing history, social media activities, and any changes in their behavior or attitude.

Furthermore, you can utilize parental controls. They will help you filter, monitor, and restrict children’s online activities in the worst-case scenario. These tools can prohibit access to potentially harmful websites and limit exposure to explicit content. Not to mention, some parental control applications can restrict malicious downloads and transactions.

Implement the right security tools

One more thing you can do to protect your children from the dangers of the dark web is to set up the right security software. In case they end up on the dark web, these applications will prevent various digital calamities.

Firstly, you should check out password managers. They will keep your children’s passwords organized and secure. Moreover, these tools can create hard-to-crack passwords so that malicious actors can’t have easy access to personal accounts. And don’t forget to teach your kids not to share their passwords with anyone!

In addition, a reliable VPN can help your children circumvent digital dangers on the dark web. A virtual private network will encrypt data, hide the IP address, and spoof location. That way, even if something bad happens, hackers won’t be able to crack sensitive information easily. Not to mention, top-tier VPN providers offer apps for all major operating systems. For example, you can get a reliable free VPN for iPhone to safeguard your kids’ phones.

As the dark web is full of malware, antivirus software is a must-have. It will monitor, detect, and obliterate any threats. Moreover, it can block access to known malicious websites, including those on the Dark Web. This helps prevent accidental exposure to harmful content.


The dark web is certainly not a place for children to explore. There are plenty of sites that contain malware, age-inappropriate content, and even predators. As responsible adults, we must take precautions and safeguard children against the dark web and its dangers. Therefore, we must educate kids on cybersecurity matters. On top of that, we should provide them with the right tools to ensure their digital safety.

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